Tag: #ResearchID

Research Digest: UNMC ID Faculty Lead New HIV Publications

Since the beginning of the HIV pandemic, UNMC ID has provided expert clinical care to people with HIV (PWH) through the University of Nebraska Medical Center HIV Program and Clinic. Underscoring the great providers and researchers who work as a part of this team, many of our faculty members routinely publish their work in leading ID […]

Jun 9, 2022

Publication Alert: The Value of a Longitudinal HIV Track for Medical Students

In a recent publication authored by many UNMC ID faculty, including Dr. Jasmine Marcelin, Susan Swindells, Dr. Nada Fadul, and Dr. Sara Bares, the successes of the EMET program are explored through the lens of feedback from the 14 existing graduates of the program.

Jun 2, 2022

Canine or Cultures: An Alternative Method for Infection Diagnosis?

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Diagnose an infection? It seems that, in addition to being man’s best friend, dogs make pretty good infectious disease doctors. Or at least that’s the conclusion of two recent studies which trained dogs to identify UTIs or C. difficile infections in real patient samples. The results were impressive!

May 31, 2022

Publication Alert: Chronic Pain and Infection

Dr. Cawcutt is an author on a new review article focusing on the relationship between infection and chronic pain persisting even after resolution of acute illness.

May 26, 2022

Guideline Update: How to Best Prevent Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

Dr. Rupp recently assisted in the creation of new clinical guidelines aimed at prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections.

May 17, 2022

Publication Alert: Leveraging a Preexisting Global Infectious Disease Network for Local Decision Making During a Pandemic

The content below was provided by Jocelyn Herstein, an assistant professor at UNMC and Director of International Partnerships and Programs with the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center. She led a recently published study, collaborating with UNMC ID faculty Drs. Angela Hewlett and James Lawler.  What prompted this study? Emerging infectious disease events require a […]

Apr 26, 2022

HIV Enhanced Medical Education Track Students: Projects and Match Day Successes

The UNMC College of Medicine offers a unique Enhanced Medical Education Track (EMET) program which provides an opportunity for medical students to delve into particular disciplines of interest in the field of medicine throughout their four-year degree program. Track students attend seminars, preceptorships and complete a research project culminating in a poster or conference presentation. […]

Mar 29, 2022

Introducing our new Assistant Editor of Digital Content and Scholarship – Zachary Van Roy

We are thrilled to introduce our new Assistant Editor of Digital Content and Scholarship, Zachary Van Roy! Zach is going to be curating and creating new digital content for our blog, and collaborating with us on exciting new #SoMe Scholarship. Look out for this bright young star as he makes his way through the infectious diseases and social media worlds!

– Jasmine Marcelin and Kelly Cawcutt, Co-Directors of Digital Innovation and Social Media Strategy, UNMC ID

Mar 23, 2022

Publication Alert: Antiretroviral Refill Histories as a Predictor of Future Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viremia

Publication Alert: Antiretroviral Refill Histories as a Predictor of Future Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viremia.

This content was provided by Darryl Sokpa, PharmD/MBA ’22 candidate at UNMC College of Pharmacy. He led a recently published study, collaborating UNMC ID faculty Drs. Sara Bares and Nada Fadul, and mentored by UNMC ID pharmacist faculty Dr. Joshua Havens.

Mar 15, 2022

Contraception and Antiretroviral Therapy: Important Interactions to Keep in Mind

Dr. Kimberly Scarsi recently published an important study in Lancet HIV: “Antiretroviral therapy and vaginally administered contraceptive hormones: a three-arm, pharmacokinetic study.”  We were excited to learn more about and feature her work! Could you please give us a brief summary of the study you performed? This was a pharmacokinetic evaluation of the effect of […]

Mar 16, 2020