Category: IDIG

Student Interest Group Update: Dr. Ali Khan Inspires Interest in Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Public Health

Two student interest groups, the Infectious Diseases Interest Group and and the Student Alliance for Global Health, collaborated to host a presentation by Dr. Ali Khan, Dean of the College of Public Health and former director for the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at the CDC. His professional endeavors have focused on emerging […]

Nov 6, 2017

Infectious Diseases Interest Group Kicks Off the Year with an Upcoming Panel!

The Infectious Diseases Interest Group here at UNMC will be hostingĀ a panel of ID physicians covering a range of sub-specialties within ID. Our goal is to provide an introduction to incoming students about the many opportunities in ID and allow physicians to share their passion for the field. Additionally, students will be able to ask […]

Aug 30, 2017

Fostering Interest in ID among Students – For Students and By Students

The UNMC Infectious Diseases Interest Group (IDIG) is a student organization that focuses on educating health profession students about the field of infectious diseases. The IDIG also seeks to garner interest in and promote investigation of a career in infectious disease. In the past year, the IDIG at UNMC has hosted several lunch meetings, including […]

Mar 3, 2017