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Month: March 2019

MD/PhD Student on the Cutting Edge of HIV Research

Jonathan (Yoni) Herskovitz is an MD/PhD student working with Dr. Howard Gendelman studying therapies for HIV.  We were excited to talk to him about his work and his plans for the future! Tell us a little about yourself and your career goals. I am California native, and though pursuing a career as a physician-scientist occupies […]

Mar 28, 2019

Learning Outside of the Comfort Zone

Several months ago, a five-person team from Nebraska Medicine’s Biocontainment Unit traveled to Western Uganda, where they trained refugee health workers on appropriate infection prevention and control practices. Dr. James Lawler, one of our Infectious Diseases Faculty, was the team leader on this trip. Dr. Lawler is the Director of International Programs and Innovation for […]

Mar 18, 2019

M4 Students in our HIV Enhanced Education Track present Capstone Projects and Celebrate MATCH DAY!

The UNMC College of Medicine offers a unique Enhanced Medical Education Track (EMET) program which provides an opportunity for medical students to delve into particular disciplines of interest in the field of medicine throughout their four year degree program. Track students attend seminars, preceptorships and complete a research project culminating in a poster or conference […]

Mar 15, 2019

EMET Student Profile – Bianca Christensen

Our department is proud to participate in UNMC College of Medicine’s Enhanced Medical Education Track (EMET) program!  EMETs are enrichment opportunities to explore interdisciplinary fields of medicine with in small groups and with close faculty mentorship. Two students from each medical school class are selected to participate in our Comprehensive HIV Medicine EMET, a program […]

Mar 8, 2019

CROI 2019 – The Official UNMC ID Guide of Where We Will Be!

  CROI 2019 is here and we want to be sure YOU know where to find us in Seattle. Below is the list of faculty presentations and posters from our Division. Find us on Twitter @UNMC_ID  Content courtesy #CROI2019  Oral presentations: Tuesday March 5 2019 (Oral Abstract O-05 STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: STIs, CONTRACEPTION, AND TRIALS OF […]

Mar 5, 2019