Tag: #ResearchID

UNMC Clinical Trial Investigates HSV Treatment

The following content was largely provided by Dr. Abbas to spread awareness about the new clinical trial starting soon at UNMC. To aid in participant recruitment, please share this with those who may be interested in the work. What is a clinical trial? While much of medicine is practiced within guidelines and evidence-based practices, getting […]

Oct 11, 2022

Research Digest: UNMC Investigates COVID-19 Treatments

In a previous post, we explored recent work conducted by UNMC ID faculty on untangling the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Medically speaking, that is only half of the story. In the effort to translate these observations about how SARS-CoV-2 makes us sick into treatments or vaccines, UNMC ID has been no less dedicated. Underscoring this point, read on for a research digest of three recent publications authored by UNMC ID faculty exploring COVID-19 treatment strategies.

Sep 15, 2022

Research Digest: UNMC Investigates Blood Stream Infections

Blood stream infections are one of the most feared type of infections in the infectious disease world. And for good reason- if left untreated they can quickly develop into serious complications such as septic shock. Luckily, researchers are constantly exploring the risk factors and treatments for this infection, including many UNMC ID faculty. Read on for a digest of 3 recent articles authored by UNMC faculty exploring the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis.

Aug 31, 2022

Research Digest: Healthcare Workers, COVID-19, and Burnout

While most research we highlight focuses on medicine and clinical care of patients, there is just as much value to be gained in researching the workforce and healthcare community at large. Understanding the trends and problems within our own field can lead to profound improvements in the daily lives of healthcare workers everywhere. In this alternative arena of research, UNMC ID has made major strides. Read on for digests of recent articles published by UNMC ID faculty that pertain to matters of personnel.

Aug 16, 2022

Research Digest: CMV, Tuberculosis, and Transplant ID

Dr. Diana Florescu, UNMC ID Physician and co-author of two recent publications exploring transplant ID. One of the most profound medical developments of the past century, organ transplantation, can prove to be one of the most dangerous. Infectious pathogens can hide in transplanted organs which, in combination with the immune-suppressive drugs crucial to transplantation success, […]

Jul 12, 2022

UNMC ID to Investigate New RSV Vaccine Candidate

The following was adapted from content provided by Dr. Diana Florescu, one of the UNMC ID faculty members working on investigating this new vaccine. What is RSV? RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a highly infectious virus transmitted primarily by contact with infected respiratory secretions or contaminated objects. Seasonal epidemics occur annually in autumn/winter in […]

Jun 22, 2022

Research Digest: COVID-19 Pathologies Explored by UNMC ID Faculty (Part 1)

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there seemed to be many more questions than answers. How is this virus spreading? What is the best way to protect our communities? Which organ systems are at risk of damage from infection? To answer these questions, the medical community at large turned to research- and UNMC ID […]

Jun 16, 2022

Research Digest: UNMC ID Faculty Lead New HIV Publications

Since the beginning of the HIV pandemic, UNMC ID has provided expert clinical care to people with HIV (PWH) through the University of Nebraska Medical Center HIV Program and Clinic. Underscoring the great providers and researchers who work as a part of this team, many of our faculty members routinely publish their work in leading ID […]

Jun 9, 2022

Publication Alert: The Value of a Longitudinal HIV Track for Medical Students

In a recent publication authored by many UNMC ID faculty, including Dr. Jasmine Marcelin, Susan Swindells, Dr. Nada Fadul, and Dr. Sara Bares, the successes of the EMET program are explored through the lens of feedback from the 14 existing graduates of the program.

Jun 2, 2022

Canine or Cultures: An Alternative Method for Infection Diagnosis?

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Diagnose an infection? It seems that, in addition to being man’s best friend, dogs make pretty good infectious disease doctors. Or at least that’s the conclusion of two recent studies which trained dogs to identify UTIs or C. difficile infections in real patient samples. The results were impressive!

May 31, 2022