Author: Zachary Van Roy

Research Digest: Research identifies how to improve ID healthcare

Research Digest is a periodic post summarizing the findings of a few recent articles published by our UNMC ID faculty surrounding a particular topic. These articles are linked below for full details on the work. This week, we discuss recent efforts by UNMC ID faculty to explore how we can make healthcare work better for patients, providers, and the community at large.

Mar 29, 2023

Sepsis: the case for automatic antibiotic de-escalation

UNMC ID’s Dr. Erica Stohs explores the question, ‘how do we balance antibiotic stewardship with ensuring a serious case of sepsis doesn’t go untreated?’. Read on to learn about a new strategy for antibiotic de-escalation in potential sepsis patients.

Mar 22, 2023

Safety Awareness Week, Part 2: Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship

As part of Patient Safety Week, we want to recognize all of the incredible efforts from our Infectious Diseases colleagues focused on improving the safety and care of our patients here at UNMC/NMC. Earlier this week, we recognized the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit (NBU) personnel for their continued commitment to patient safety at all times of day and night. Two other key areas in which there is a significant commitment to patient safety, and often less recognition, are our Infection Control & Epidemiology (ICE) team and our Antibiotic Stewardship (ASP) team.

Mar 17, 2023

UNMC ID Recognizes Patient Safety Awareness Week and our Biocontainment Unit Professionals

March 12th-18th marks patient safety awareness week, an initiative intended to encourage everyone to learn more about health care safety. Protecting patient safety is one of the most important responsibilities of the health care system and all its members. This week serves to recognize those who further patient safety and spark conversation on how we can continue to improve.

Mar 15, 2023

#PharmToExamTable: Duration of Therapy for Gram-Negative Bacteremia

This #PharmToExamTable post exploring the evidence for a reduced duration of treatment for certain blood stream infections was authored by Shawna Striker, PharmD (left) and Austin Dockins, PharmD (right). Shawna is a PGY1 pharmacy resident at Nebraska Medicine who will be continuing her training here next year as a PGY2 oncology pharmacy resident. Austin is also a current PGY1 pharmacy resident at Nebraska Medicine who will be continuing his training here next year as a PGY2 critical care pharmacy resident.

Mar 1, 2023

Recognizing our Great Residents and Fellows!

Nebraska Medicine, UNMC and The Gold Humanism Honor Society are excited to celebrate all Residents and Fellows today on Thank a Resident/Fellow Day. Thank a Resident Day offers faculty and students the chance to show their gratitude to the unsung teachers of their medical school clerkship, the house-staff.  While Residency and Fellowship is an important stage in medical training, it […]

Feb 24, 2023

UNMC Celebrates Black History Month: Next Week’s Events (Week 3)

Since 1976, each February has been host to a series of events recognizing the achievements and contributions of African Americans throughout U.S. history. It is as much a celebration as it is a time of education and reflection. Accordingly, UNMC has planned multiple events to share and commemorate African American culture. Check out the UNMC […]

Feb 17, 2023

Microbe Monday: Halteria, the Virus-eating Microbe

Microbe Monday is a monthly installment featuring a microbe of clinical or scientific importance. This month, we discuss Halteria sp. which, while not pathogenic to humans, sheds new light on the competition dynamics between microbes.

Feb 13, 2023

UNMC Celebrates Black History Month: Next Week’s Events (Week 2)

Since 1976, each February has been host to a series of events recognizing the achievements and contributions of African Americans throughout U.S. history. It is as much a celebration as it is a time of education and reflection. Accordingly, UNMC has planned multiple events to share and commemorate African American culture. Check out the UNMC […]

Feb 10, 2023

UNMC ID Celebrates National Black Women Physicians Day

192 years ago today, Dr. Lee Crumpler, the first Black woman to receive an M.D. in the United States, was born. We now recognize her birthday as National Black Women Physicians Day to celebrate the contributions of African American woman physicians to medicine. It is fitting to celebrate Dr. Lee Crumpler’s life and this day […]

Feb 8, 2023