Placing PICCs for Antibiotics – Potential Undue Risks May Outweight Benefits

PICC placement is common practice for intravenous (IV) antibiotic needs, however, we may be inadvertently placing certain patients at higher risks for complications. A recent study by Paje et al assessed the frequency of PICC placement among patients with CKD stage 3b or greater, a practice discordant with current guidelines. This prospective study included data […]

Jul 19, 2019

Dr. Susan Swindells to lead new TB prevention clinical trial

We are very proud to have Dr. Susan Swindells as a part of our division. A nationally and internationally renowned HIV clinical researcher, Dr. Swindells is a Professor of Internal Medicine-Infectious Diseases at University of Nebraska Medical Center. For many years she has led the Specialty Care Center in providing extraordinary care to patients with […]

Jul 15, 2019

A Message from Our ID Fellowship Leaders

Fellowship application season is nearing and as the leaders of our ID fellowship, we wanted to highlight some of the exciting aspects of our program.  Our program and our division are growing.  We began in 2011 with 2 fellows, grew to 4 in 2017, and are planning to expand to six fellows by 2021.  We […]

Jul 11, 2019

EMET Student Profile – Samantha Cox, M1

Meet Samantha Cox, a new M1 student in our HIV Enhanced Medical Education Track! Tell us a little about yourself I moved to Omaha with my family from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, when I was in elementary school and attended high school at Duchesne Academy. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in French and Biology at College of […]

Jul 9, 2019

Inpatient Diarrheal Illness…Don’t Flush your Money: Save it with Diagnostic Stewardship!

Recently, a multidisciplinary team at UNMC published a diagnostic stewardship study in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (ICHE) entitled: Hardwiring diagnostic stewardship using electronic ordering restrictions for gastrointestinal pathogen testing, that prompted a press release from The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), and a feature on an upcoming ICHE podcast episode. Drs. Jasmine Marcelin and Trevor Van […]

Jul 1, 2019

Propagation of Misinformation – Lessons From the 2019 Ebola Outbreak

This month, two concerning stories about the ongoing epidemic of Ebola virus disease (Ebola for short) in Africa grabbed our attention. On Monday, several social media sites circulated posts about Congolese refugees who had crossed the border from Mexico to Texas and tested positive for Ebola. The various posts circulated widely enough that they were […]

Jun 24, 2019

A Day in the Life of Central Venous Access Devices

This post comes courtesy of Dr. Mark Rupp, who recently published a study in the Journal of Infusion Nursing about outpatient maintenance practices for central venous access devices (CVADs)! Our patients are increasingly receiving intravenous therapy at home via indwelling CVADs. However, limited data exist regarding patients’ experiences with outpatient CVADs. Regina Nailon is the […]

Jun 18, 2019

Congratulations to our graduating ID Fellows!

On Tuesday June 4, 2019, the Infectious Diseases Division gathered to celebrate two outstanding fellows, Drs. Raj Karnatak and Richard Hankins. Both are graduating and moving on to amazing next steps. In 2017, our ID fellowship program was expanded to 2 fellows per year and both Dr. Hankins and Dr. Karnatak welcomed the opportunity to […]

Jun 14, 2019

Tiffany Kalin, APRN-NP on Why I Love ID

Why I love ID and UNMC: I wanted to work an UNMC/NM because of the positive experiences/education that I gained while working within the system previously (2007-2016). I truly enjoyed and am looking forward to again working in such a large operation with so many different experiences/education opportunities that are truly specific to UNMC/NM.  I […]

Jun 11, 2019

Preparing for Measles – What You Need to Know

Measles is one of the most contagious infections and is acute respiratory viral infection currently causing an outbreak of infection through the United States. Measles was first described hundreds of years ago and became a reportable infection in the US in 1912. In 1963, the first vaccine for measles became available. Efforts focused on measles […]

Jun 6, 2019