Celebrating Antibiotic Awareness Week in Nebraska!

Antibiotic Awareness Week Proclamation Signing Ceremony CDC has designated November 18 to 24 as US Antibiotic Awareness Week.  Antibiotic Awareness Week is an annual observance in the United States and around the world to promote the importance of using antibiotic appropriately as a mean to minimize unwanted effects from antibiotic therapy (e.g., adverse reactions, Clostridioides […]

Nov 18, 2019

Antibiotic Awareness Week Is Coming! How Will YOU Raise Awareness??

CDC has designated November 18-22, 2019 as US Antibiotic Awareness Week!  We are joining the CDC and many organizations around the world recognizing and promoting awareness for appropriate antibiotic use. During #AntibioticAwarenessWeek, collaborative blog posts from UNMC ID/ASP and Nebraska ASAP will be published between November 18 and 22. Check out these videos supporting the Antibiotic […]

Nov 17, 2019

Why I Love ID – Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield

What about ID makes you excited? I love a good medical mystery or diagnostic challenge.  Infectious disease specialists are often the experts other physicians turn to when they’re stumped by a patient’s seemingly inexplicable symptoms – a persistent fever, a perplexing rash, abnormal bloodwork that hints at inflammation in the body no one can seem […]

Sep 30, 2019

Special contributor: Dr. Shipra Goel

Dr. Shipra Goel joined us for the summer as an observer in the Infectious Disease Department.  We’re excited to include her contributions to our blog during the month she was with us! My journey to an exciting observership at UNMC was enabled by my passion for infectious diseases (ID) which was virulent enough to infect […]

Sep 12, 2019

Deanna Hansen: Catalyst for Education Award Nominee

We are thrilled to announce that Deanna Hansen was among a group of elite individuals nominated for the Catalyst for Education award. This award comes from the UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators, and recognizes the integral role of those who serve in an educational support role on campus. The award values the impact that nominees […]

Sep 6, 2019

Treatment of Osteomyelitis – What’s the Evidence for our Strategies?

New UNMC ID publication alert! #ReadUNMCID Recently, the newest member of our Division of Infectious Diseases at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield published an invited review in Open Forum Infectious Diseases entitled: The History of Antibiotic Treatment of Osteomyelitis.  Dr. Cortes-Penfield wrote this summary describing the review article, which was commissioned after he published a […]

Aug 29, 2019

journal on table

How Clean is the Hub?

New UNMC ID publication alert! #ReadUNMCID Recently, several members of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine published a study in American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) entitled: Microbial colonization of intravascular catheter connectors in hospitalized patients. Drs. Richard Hankins (former ID fellow, class of 2019), and Kelly Cawcutt (Associate Medical Director of Infection […]

Aug 19, 2019

Going Viral with West Nile  

As we get further into the summer, we are yet again nearing West Nile Virus season, and there are starting to be a few cases reported nationwide. Our senior ID fellow Dr. Lindsey Rearigh wrote an article outlining what to expect with West Nile Virus, how it is transmitted, diagnosed, and treated.  West Nile Virus […]

Aug 12, 2019

New Faculty Spotlight – Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield

Tell us about the position you are starting? I’m joining the Infectious Diseases Division as an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of UNMC’s Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) program.  My clinical practice will be primarily devoted to seeing patients on the Orthopedic Infectious Diseases hospital service, meaning I’ll work with orthopedic surgeons at […]

Aug 5, 2019

Placing PICCs for Antibiotics – Potential Undue Risks May Outweight Benefits

PICC placement is common practice for intravenous (IV) antibiotic needs, however, we may be inadvertently placing certain patients at higher risks for complications. A recent study by Paje et al assessed the frequency of PICC placement among patients with CKD stage 3b or greater, a practice discordant with current guidelines. This prospective study included data […]

Jul 19, 2019