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Category: UNMC SCC

Testimony: A Patient with HIV Speaks Up to Share her Status and Try to Change Minds

I don’t know how to sum up the last 24 years into just a few paragraphs, but I will try. Words can be quite powerful. The most unforgettable were the ones I read when my adult life was just beginning. At the age of 17, I received a certified letter stating that I had a “potentially […]

Dec 8, 2017

A New Paradigm in HIV Medicine: Undetectable = Untransmittable

Have you heard about the U=U campaign related to HIV transmission? U=U is a simple but important campaign based on a solid foundation of scientific evidence. In recent months, the global medical and scientific HIV community has come together to support the statement, “undetectable equals untransmittable”. This means that persons living with HIV, who take […]

Dec 7, 2017

What it means to be a trainee learning from patients living with HIV

Rebecca Osborn, (Fourth Year UNMC Medical Student) I have always had a strong desire to work with under-served communities, and was thus drawn to the unique social and medical needs of patients living with HIV. Through my four-year track, I was able to gain early clinical experience, as well as participate in research and work […]

Dec 6, 2017

What Ryan White’s Legacy Means for HIV Care

Ryan White (1971-1990) became the national poster child for HIV/AIDS after he was expelled from middle school because of his HIV infection.  He was diagnosed with AIDS after receiving a contaminated blood transfusion at the age of 13.  His legal battles with the school system made him a national celebrity and spokesman for AIDS research and […]

Dec 5, 2017

UNMC Specialty Care Clinic welcomes you, from the moment you enter!

The University of Nebraska Medical Center Specialty Care Clinic (SCC) provides comprehensive care of persons living with HIV, at all stages of the disease, as well as specialty Transgender clinics. The team is composed of Physicians, Pharmacists & Pharmacy Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Social Workers & Case Managers, Medical Assistants, Front Desk Assistants, Patient Resource […]

Dec 4, 2017

December 1 is World AIDS Day – A Physician’s Opportunity to Reflect on the Journey of HIV Through the Years

World AIDS Day represents an opportunity for reflection – how far we’ve come since the beginning of the epidemic with unprecedented advances in treatment, and also reflection about the early days of fear and confusion. I have a vivid memory of the first patient I took care of with HIV infection. It was 1986 and […]

Dec 1, 2017