Category: Fun With ID

At UNMC, ID fellows learn HIV from the experts

Over the course of their training, fellows in the UNMC’s Division of Infectious Diseases will receive dedicated clinical and didactic training in the area of HIV alongside faculty with expertise in the HIV clinical care and research. Clinical Training: Fellows will have their continuity clinic at UNMC’s HIV clinic one half day each week. The […]

Aug 30, 2018

Travels, Bones and Bugs, Oh My! ID fellows will see it all at UNMC

At UNMC ID we are fortunate to have some very unique experiences for fellows to explore their interests in our various aspects of our specialty. We are also fortunate to have experts and leaders at the helm, leading fellows through these experiences toward their ultimate career choices. One of these leaders is Dr. Angela Hewlett […]

Aug 22, 2018

Welcoming our new ID fellows – Focus on Dr. McCreery

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Randy McCreery as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about him… Tell us about the position you are starting I’m starting an Infectious Diseases fellowship at UNMC.  Appropriately, the fellowship is weighted toward general infectious diseases but surprisingly, the second […]

Aug 8, 2018

Keeping Fourth of July full of Explosions in the Air (Not from Down There)

The following was written by Dr. Jasmine Marcelin and originally posted to the Physician’s Weekly Blog on July 3, 2018 in honor of the upcoming Independence Day holiday.   **** Fourth of July. Independence Day. For most, a delightful holiday filled with fun, family, friends and most importantly, FOOD. Independence Day is the most popular day […]

Jul 3, 2018

When You Stop To Smell the Roses and Cannot Smell A Thing

The following was written by Dr. Kelly Cawcutt and originally posted to the Physician’s Weekly Blog on May 31, 2018. Dr. Cawcutt was inspired by a recent personal experience with an upper respiratory infection and its impact on her senses of smell and taste, and she shares how some infections can interfere with basic senses […]

Jun 21, 2018

Men’s Health Month at UNMC ID

June is Men’s Health Month, a time to highlight the unique men’s health issues and advocate for awareness of preventive services for men and boys.  We have some amazing men in our division who have served as clinicians, educators, leaders, and mentors. Meet the Men of UNMC ID: Dr. M. Salman Ashraf, MBBS is an […]

Jun 4, 2018

DANCE FOR A CHANCE with UNMC ID’s Dr. Diana Florescu

There are hundreds of homeless youth in Omaha. Some of them have been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused, making it unsafe for them to return home, while others are facing health, mental health, or substance abuse issues. Youth Emergency Services (YES) provides much needed services for these individuals. What is YES Dance for a Chance? […]

May 21, 2018

UNMC ID Division Accolades!

Our Faculty at University of Nebraska Medical Center Division of Infectious Diseases have worked hard to maintain a strong academic presence at UNMC. We are a growing division, filled with faculty at all stages of their careers, and their collective academic prowess has our division leading the pack. Our recent Department of Medicine Research report […]

May 16, 2018

Tune into this AMAZING Podcast : The Hot Zone: Biocontainment with Dr. Hewlett

  Dr. Angela Hewlett recently was interviewed via podcast for a Travel Medicine show regarding biocontainment, including how to treat and handle highly infectious agents(yes, including Ebola). The blog posts include everything from what biocontainment is to worse case scenarios and other unique aspects of preparing for, and providing care for, people with these types […]

May 9, 2018

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

If you work in an office at all, chances are you have come into contact with an Administrative Professional.  The impact of an Administrative Professional on their office team has been compared to glue or paperclips that keep the office together. Our Administrative Professionals are an integral part of our group here at UNMC ID.  […]

Apr 25, 2018

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