Bacteriocidal versus Bacteriostatic: What Makes the Biggest Difference in VRE Bloodstream Infection?

An October 2018 publication in Critical Care Medicine by Chuang et al details a prospective study of adults in Taiwan, between 2010 -2015, aimed to assess all-cause mortality and rate of bloodstream clearance among patients with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) treated with daptomycin (bacteriocidal) versus linezolid(bacteriostatic). Patients were treated with conventional daptomycin (6 to < 9 mg/kg […]

Dec 19, 2018

Saving SIRS? Discernment of Sepsis from Non-Infectious Syndromes in the ED

Upon patients’ arrival to the emergency department (ED), determining whether they do or do not have sepsis is difficult. Because of this, many patients receiving antibiotics ultimately are found to have a noninfectious cause of their syndrome. In order to try and improve detection of sepsis in the ED, Mearelli et al. completed a multicenter […]

Dec 10, 2018

Earrings In Healthcare Workers: Friend or Foe?

Ear piercing among people, including healthcare workers, is a common trend. Katsuse et al, attempted to make a correlation between ear piercings and healthcare-associated infections. In order to prove this relationship, researchers sampled the earlobes and fingers of 200 nurses working at a university hospital. 128 of those nurses had pierced earlobes and 72 of […]

Nov 20, 2018

Does the Clostridium Smell Diffy? Even the Dogs Disagree…

The C. difficile sniffing dogs are back! There are several prior reports of individual dogs being trained to “sniff out” C. difficile. In a novel approach, the authors of this study trained two dogs simultaneously, and then compared interrater reliability between sniff attempts. They used toxigenic C. difficile frozen stool samples (GDH EIA and PCR […]

Nov 5, 2018

IDWeek 2018: Why We Still Don’t Wash Our Hands

At IDWeek 2018, the annual conference for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, I was struck by one simple truth. We are still talking about washing our hands, or in our professional lingo, hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is the simplest, most effective way to prevent infection. Most of us know this intuitively, without the science, […]

Oct 30, 2018

UNMC Division of Infectious Diseases – New Faculty Announcement

The Division of Infectious Diseases is pleased to announce the arrival of our newest Faculty members! Nada Fadul, MD Dr. Fadul will be supporting UNMC’s efforts on various Ryan White awards through the Specialty Care Center, where she will also serve as the Associate Medical Director. In addition, Dr. Fadul will support the General ID […]

Oct 22, 2018

Follow @UNMC_ID at #IDWEEK2018!

IDWeek is here and we want to be sure YOU know where to find us! Below is the list of faculty presentations and posters from our Division. Please come visit us at IDWeek –  We would LOVE to meet you!  Content courtesy of Sandy Nelson and the entire UNMC ID Division.  Tuesday, October 2 Session: […]

Oct 2, 2018

Allergy Emancipation

The following was originally posted to the Controversies in Hospital Infection Prevention Blog on 9/24/18 by Dr. Marcelin. September 28, 2018 marks 90 years since Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin as an effective antimicrobial which would soon save millions of lives. He warned soon afterwards that unless we used penicillin judiciously, we would see antibiotic […]

Sep 28, 2018

CRE or not CRE: A Question of Risky Business and Notes from the Field

The following was originally posted by Dr. Marcelin to the August 2018 SHEA Journal Club  Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are not as prevalent in the United States as they are in the Eastern Hemisphere; however travel within our global village means creates opportunity for movement of these organisms to our region.  The following is a review of […]

Sep 21, 2018

New Faculty Spotlight – Daniel Cramer, MSN, APRN, FNP-C

We are thrilled to have another member of our UNMC ID team. Read on to learn a little more about Daniel Cramer, who is joining our new Orthopedic Infectious Diseases team. Why did you choose to stay at UNMC? UNMC is home for me!  I completed my undergraduate degree here, as well as my graduate […]

Sep 7, 2018