Helping Our Patients Beyond the Clinic

As we start a new year, we thought it would be appropriate to share a story that reminds me of what is fundamental to a life in medicine: helping those we have the power to help. The Nebraska Medicine Specialty Care Center houses our HIV clinic as well as a hygiene pantry that stocks supplies […]

Feb 25, 2020

Strong, Smart, and Bold: UNMC ID Faculty Empower Young Women at Girls, Inc.

Strep, pneumonia, microbiome, oh my! ID physicians Dr. Alison Freifeld, Dr. Andrea Zimmer, and Dr. Erica Stohs and Dr. Caitlin Murphy, Assistant Director of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, recently brought the world of infectious disease medicine to young women at Girls Inc. Omaha.  Girls learned about common infections and the bugs that cause them, the […]

Sep 16, 2019

UNMC IDSHEAroes #RaceAgainstResistance Fundraising Milestone Unlocked!

The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) is sponsoring the Race Against Resistance for the 4th year. Money raised is used to fund educational scholarships involved in treating, and researching, ways to prevent the 2050 predictions from coming true. This is a chance to take a stand against ‘superbugs’, to support those fighting against them today, to […]

Sep 3, 2019

UNMC IDSHEAROES Enter the Race Against Resistance – Read Their Top Ten Reasons

Life-threatening infections caused by antimicrobial resistant organisms, commonly referred to as ‘superbugs’ have taken the media by storm. MRSA, VRE, MDRO, KPC, CRE, CDI – all acronyms that put fear in our hearts that one day, we will have run out of treatment options. That one day, our patients will die from infections that we […]

Jun 1, 2019

Learning Outside of the Comfort Zone

Several months ago, a five-person team from Nebraska Medicine’s Biocontainment Unit traveled to Western Uganda, where they trained refugee health workers on appropriate infection prevention and control practices. Dr. James Lawler, one of our Infectious Diseases Faculty, was the team leader on this trip. Dr. Lawler is the Director of International Programs and Innovation for […]

Mar 18, 2019

Dancing with the Doctors – An Event for Child Life 

This is a theme the pediatric patients are used to: bright lights and surrounded by doctors while their families are anxiously waiting nearby hoping for the best.  This time, the patients and doctors will meet outside of the Medical Center and their hospital gowns will be replaced with ballroom gowns. Under the coaching of Vintage Ballroom instructor, Rebekah Pasqualetto, three pediatric patients are teaming up with the doctors’ […]

Oct 3, 2018

UNMC Medical Students…Community Champions, Global Volunteers

“Nebraska Goes Global” selected as finalists in American Medical Association Global Health Challenge, led by UNMC ID EMET Student UNMC medical students Olivia Sonderman, Laura Newton, and Rohan Khazanchi have been selected as finalists in a national competition for future healthcare professionals interested in global health equity. Their team, “Nebraska Goes Global”, was selected as […]

Jul 13, 2018

DANCE FOR A CHANCE with UNMC ID’s Dr. Diana Florescu

There are hundreds of homeless youth in Omaha. Some of them have been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused, making it unsafe for them to return home, while others are facing health, mental health, or substance abuse issues. Youth Emergency Services (YES) provides much needed services for these individuals. What is YES Dance for a Chance? […]

May 21, 2018

Going Global – Supporting UNMC & Los Chavalitos in Nicaragua

Dr. Florescu will be joining an upcoming medical service trip to Los Chavalitos clinic in Managua, Nicaragua, sponsored by UNMC’s Student Alliance for Global Health. Los Chavalitos Clinic is the outreach of APUSAN, a Spanish acronym meaning “Association of Pediatricians United for the Health of the Children.”  APUSAN was founded by a small group of […]

Feb 9, 2018