Category: UNMC ID Fellowship

About our First Year Fellows – Mark Ridder, MD

Tell us about your current position I a first year fellow of infectious disease at University of NE Medical Center. For the next 2 years I’ll be learning all I can from experts in the field for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a wide variety of infectious diseases ranging from parasites and fungal disease […]

Feb 4, 2020

Fellowship MATCH DAY: Congratulations to our 2020 ID Fellows!

Every year our ID division is excited to welcome numerous fellowship applicants during the summer and fall months. Match Day is the culmination of these applicants’ hard work and our collective opportunities to demonstrate what we have to offer each other.  Our goal as program directors is to provide fellows with an educational experience that provides […]

Dec 5, 2019

Going Viral with West Nile  

As we get further into the summer, we are yet again nearing West Nile Virus season, and there are starting to be a few cases reported nationwide. Our senior ID fellow Dr. Lindsey Rearigh wrote an article outlining what to expect with West Nile Virus, how it is transmitted, diagnosed, and treated.  West Nile Virus […]

Aug 12, 2019

A Message from Our ID Fellowship Leaders

Fellowship application season is nearing and as the leaders of our ID fellowship, we wanted to highlight some of the exciting aspects of our program.  Our program and our division are growing.  We began in 2011 with 2 fellows, grew to 4 in 2017, and are planning to expand to six fellows by 2021.  We […]

Jul 11, 2019

Congratulations to our graduating ID Fellows!

On Tuesday June 4, 2019, the Infectious Diseases Division gathered to celebrate two outstanding fellows, Drs. Raj Karnatak and Richard Hankins. Both are graduating and moving on to amazing next steps. In 2017, our ID fellowship program was expanded to 2 fellows per year and both Dr. Hankins and Dr. Karnatak welcomed the opportunity to […]

Jun 14, 2019

UNMC ID Fellow wins Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award

We are pleased to share that Dr. Richard Hankins, one of our senior ID fellows has been awarded the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award for 2019-2020.  This award will allow Dr. Hankins protected time to study optimization of CHG patient bathing as a method to prevent HAIs/pathogen transmission and pursue additional opportunities […]

Feb 11, 2019

SeptiCyte: Is It Ready for Prime-time?

The following is a summary of a recent ID Journal Club, presented and written by 2nd year ID Fellow Dr. Raj Karnatak: Sepsis defined as “life-threatening organ dysfunction due to the dysregulated host response to an infection” [1]. Sepsis most commonly results from a bacterial infection, or less frequently from a fungal or viral infection. […]

Jan 9, 2019

UNMC Infectious Diseases Fellows are Antibiotics Aware

The following was written by Dr. Raj Karnatak, 2nd year ID fellow at UNMC; a reflection of his current Antimicrobial Stewardship/Infection Control rotation: The UNMC Infectious Diseases fellowship antimicrobial stewardship and infection control rotation provides robust training for fellows in both antimicrobial stewardship and infection control. Training is well designed with education in all the […]

Nov 16, 2018

Intensive Infection Control experience for UNMC ID Fellows

The Nebraska Medicine Infection Control and Epidemiology Department (IC&E) is well recognized for excellence. The department is staffed by 5 full-time Infection Preventionists (IP), a data analyst, and a staff assistant; Terry Michaels, manages the department. Dr. Rupp serves as the Medical Director and is assisted by Drs. Ashraf, Cawcutt, Marcelin, and VanSchooneveld as Associate […]

Oct 1, 2018

At UNMC, ID fellows learn HIV from the experts

Over the course of their training, fellows in the UNMC’s Division of Infectious Diseases will receive dedicated clinical and didactic training in the area of HIV alongside faculty with expertise in the HIV clinical care and research. Clinical Training: Fellows will have their continuity clinic at UNMC’s HIV clinic one half day each week. The […]

Aug 30, 2018

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