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Category: UNMC ID Fellowship

High-level Review: Updated STI Guidelines Part 2

In July 2021 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their sexually transmitted infections (STI) treatment guideline, an update from 2015.1 Below, senior ID fellow Dr. Jonathan Ryder highlights significant (but by no means comprehensive) changes in this new guideline that can be incorporated into clinical practice and some of the evidence supporting these changes. Part 2 – Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Sep 7, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Ryder, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow

High-level Review: Updated STI Guidelines Part 1

In July 2021 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their sexually transmitted infections (STI) treatment guideline, an update from 2015.1 Below, senior ID fellow Dr. Jonathan Ryder highlights significant (but by no means comprehensive) changes in this new guideline that can be incorporated into clinical practice and some of the evidence supporting these changes. Part 1 – Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium

Sep 1, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Ryder, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow

Welcoming our New Infectious Diseases Fellows: Dr. Timothy McElroy

We are excited to welcome Dr. Timothy McElroy as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about him…

Aug 10, 2021

photo of Dr. McElroy and his wife in a green field with their dog in the background behind them

Welcoming our New Infectious Diseases Fellows: Dr. Mackenzie Keintz

We are excited to welcome Dr. Mackenzie Keintz as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about her…

Aug 4, 2021

Welcoming our New Infectious Diseases Fellows: Dr. Bryan Walker

We are excited to welcome Dr. Bryan Walker as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about him…

Jul 27, 2021

Image of ID fellow Dr. Bryan Walker wearing a red shirt and blue jacket and dark blue jeans and sunglasses leaning against a brick wall

Biopreparedness Training in ID Fellowship

Content provided by Drs. Hewlett, Ridder and Mowrer. Beginning in 2019, the UNMC ID Fellows have participated in Biopreparedness Training during their 2nd year of fellowship.  The ID Fellows learn about emerging infectious diseases and biopreparedness through didactic teaching sessions with internationally-recognized experts in the field, and also participate in specialized PPE training in the Davis […]

Jul 12, 2021

ID Fellowship Recruiting is virtual again in 2021, and we are ready to meet you!

Fellowship application season is open and as the leaders of our ID fellowship, we wanted to highlight some of the exciting aspects of our program.  Our program and our division are growing.  We began in 2011 with 2 fellows, grew to 4 in 2017, 5 in 2020, and now our full complement is six fellows.  […]

Jun 28, 2021

Farewell (but not Goodbye) to our Graduating Fellows

In this post we bid Farewell (but not Goodbye) to our Graduating Fellows, Drs. Mark Ridder and Clayton Mowrer. Dr. Ridder will be joining an ID practice in Wisconsin, and Dr. Mowrer will be pursuing his Pediatric ID fellowship here at Children’s Omaha. Good luck to them both!

Jun 21, 2021

A few last words from Dr. Clayton Mowrer

It was a joy to work with a group of physicians who were such advocates for us fellows and who truly helped us not only become better ID clinicians/researchers but helped us grow as humans.

Dr. Clayton Mowrer shares his last words on graduating from ID Fellowship

Jun 11, 2021

A few last words from Dr. Mark Ridder

I think in the end, I believe that training in infectious disease truly rounded out my education.

Dr. Mark Ridder provides some last words as he graduates from our fellowship

Jun 8, 2021