Category: Infection Prevention and Control

What Patient Safety Means to Us – Part 2

In endeavoring to give you a real flavor of how important patient safety is to all of us, we have more comments today from our team. Patient safety is important to all of us and we wish we could highlight the all of important work everyone in our Division is doing to provide the best […]

Mar 15, 2018

What Patient Safety Means To Us – Part 1

As mentioned on Monday, patient safety is a primary focus of our work, particularly in Infection Control and Epidemiology. To really highlight the commitment to this initiative, we wanted to share a series on what patient safety means to us and a few examples of how we have implemented that into our work.   Per […]

Mar 13, 2018

Even after Thanksgiving, it’s still not too late to get your FLU SHOT!

It’s already the day after Thanksgiving, but believe it or not, it is still early in the flu season! The Douglas County Department of Health has been recording influenza cases since the beginning of the flu season, designated as October 1, 2017.  To date, there have been 96 laboratory confirmed influenza cases in Douglas County.  This […]

Nov 24, 2017

Superheroes Armed with Hand Sanitizer

  Superhero or infection preventionist? Maybe both. To celebrate National Infection Prevention Week, our very own infection preventionists donned superhero costumes and paid a visit to the inpatient floors of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center Oct. 16. There, they asked nurses to touch two of their props and then used a special light […]

Oct 20, 2017

What’s Hot in Infection Control?

Here are some fantastic take-home points from our Infection Preventionists who attended APIC 2017 – the national meeting of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.  Water management Legionella  – Building water safety & Management Legionella is endemic to overall water systems, not just the cooling towers, therefore infection control programs need to […]

Sep 26, 2017

Do the Right Thing and Get a Flu Vaccine

Content courtesy of Dr. Mark Rupp. As the days shorten and there is a bit of fall nip in the morning air, it is a reminder that the respiratory virus season will be here soon. Although the flu vaccine is not perfect (about 50% protection), it remains our best means to prevent influenza.  We are […]

Sep 18, 2017

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