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Category: Fun With ID

Microbe Monday: Halteria, the Virus-eating Microbe

Microbe Monday is a monthly installment featuring a microbe of clinical or scientific importance. This month, we discuss Halteria sp. which, while not pathogenic to humans, sheds new light on the competition dynamics between microbes.

Feb 13, 2023

New Fellow Friday: An Introduction

We are excited to welcome three new fellows to our UNMC Infectious Diseases program this month! Over the next few weeks, we will feature each new fellow in their own welcome post. But for now, we welcome Dr. Nabil Al-Kourainy, Dr. Catherine Cichon, and Dr. Timothy Jang to UNMC. Read on for a brief introduction.

Jul 8, 2022

Graduating Fellows’ Last Words – Dr. Laura Selby

The following content was provided by graduating UNMC ID fellow, Dr. Laura Selby (pictured left). Dr. Selby will be transitioning to an infectious diseases faculty position in Bend, Oregon. Congratulations Laura! If one word could sum up my clinical experience of the last two years of Infectious Diseases fellowship it would be “pandemic”. When I […]

Jul 1, 2022

In Case You Missed It: UNMC ID Physician Pens Both Prescriptions and Children’s Books

Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield, UNMC ID Physician and recent author of an infectious disease themed children’s book It seems that clinical ID knowledge may also be useful outside of the clinic. In case you missed it, UNMC ID’s Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield was recently featured in Nebraska Medicine’s public-facing blog for his infectious disease themed children’s book […]

Jun 24, 2022

Canine or Cultures: An Alternative Method for Infection Diagnosis?

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Diagnose an infection? It seems that, in addition to being man’s best friend, dogs make pretty good infectious disease doctors. Or at least that’s the conclusion of two recent studies which trained dogs to identify UTIs or C. difficile infections in real patient samples. The results were impressive!

May 31, 2022

Things ID Docs Read: An ID Perspective on the Safety of Sushi

What does clinical infectious disease research have to offer the culinary world? The answer involves sushi, a freezer, and “a randomized double-blind trial with sensory evaluation using discrimination testing”. In a recent article published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, Kentaro Iwata and others aimed to disprove the notion that previously frozen seafood is less […]

Apr 19, 2022

Introducing our new Assistant Editor of Digital Content and Scholarship – Zachary Van Roy

We are thrilled to introduce our new Assistant Editor of Digital Content and Scholarship, Zachary Van Roy! Zach is going to be curating and creating new digital content for our blog, and collaborating with us on exciting new #SoMe Scholarship. Look out for this bright young star as he makes his way through the infectious diseases and social media worlds!

– Jasmine Marcelin and Kelly Cawcutt, Co-Directors of Digital Innovation and Social Media Strategy, UNMC ID

Mar 23, 2022

Nebraska Tropical Medicine Course

Learn more about the Nebraska Tropical medicine course. This familiarization and refresher course has an expanding list of activities for physicians, nurses, and other allied health professionals seeking to better expand or renew their awareness of tropical medicine issues.

Dec 20, 2021

Round 2: IDWeek 2021 “Ryder’s Review”

Once again this year, Dr. Ryder felt quite fortunate to attend this conference as part of his fellowship training, as the emphasis on fellow education at UNMC is clear. He shares his IDWeek2021 experience here.

Nov 9, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Ryder, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow

Welcoming our New Infectious Diseases Fellows: Dr. Bryan Walker

We are excited to welcome Dr. Bryan Walker as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about him…

Jul 27, 2021

Image of ID fellow Dr. Bryan Walker wearing a red shirt and blue jacket and dark blue jeans and sunglasses leaning against a brick wall