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Author: Jasmine Riviere Marcelin, MD

Journal Club – Stewardship in Community Hospitals: How should we spend our limited resources? 

Stewardship in Community Hospitals: How should we spend our limited resources?  The following is a review by our ID Fellowship Program Director Dr. Trevor Van Schooneveld from our last Infection Control/Antimicrobial Stewardship Journal Club. He discussed the article by Anderson et al: Feasibility of Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Interventions in Community Hospitals. JAMA Network Open.  2019;2(8):e199369.   Antimicrobial stewardship is […]

Sep 9, 2019

Deanna Hansen: Catalyst for Education Award Nominee

We are thrilled to announce that Deanna Hansen was among a group of elite individuals nominated for the Catalyst for Education award. This award comes from the UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators, and recognizes the integral role of those who serve in an educational support role on campus. The award values the impact that nominees […]

Sep 6, 2019

UNMC IDSHEAroes #RaceAgainstResistance Fundraising Milestone Unlocked!

The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) is sponsoring the Race Against Resistance for the 4th year. Money raised is used to fund educational scholarships involved in treating, and researching, ways to prevent the 2050 predictions from coming true. This is a chance to take a stand against ‘superbugs’, to support those fighting against them today, to […]

Sep 3, 2019

Treatment of Osteomyelitis – What’s the Evidence for our Strategies?

New UNMC ID publication alert! #ReadUNMCID Recently, the newest member of our Division of Infectious Diseases at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield published an invited review in Open Forum Infectious Diseases entitled: The History of Antibiotic Treatment of Osteomyelitis.  Dr. Cortes-Penfield wrote this summary describing the review article, which was commissioned after he published a […]

Aug 29, 2019

journal on table

How Clean is the Hub?

New UNMC ID publication alert! #ReadUNMCID Recently, several members of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine published a study in American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) entitled: Microbial colonization of intravascular catheter connectors in hospitalized patients. Drs. Richard Hankins (former ID fellow, class of 2019), and Kelly Cawcutt (Associate Medical Director of Infection […]

Aug 19, 2019

Going Viral with West Nile  

As we get further into the summer, we are yet again nearing West Nile Virus season, and there are starting to be a few cases reported nationwide. Our senior ID fellow Dr. Lindsey Rearigh wrote an article outlining what to expect with West Nile Virus, how it is transmitted, diagnosed, and treated.  West Nile Virus […]

Aug 12, 2019

New Faculty Spotlight – Dr. Nicolas Cortes-Penfield

Tell us about the position you are starting? I’m joining the Infectious Diseases Division as an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of UNMC’s Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) program.  My clinical practice will be primarily devoted to seeing patients on the Orthopedic Infectious Diseases hospital service, meaning I’ll work with orthopedic surgeons at […]

Aug 5, 2019

Pharm2Exam Table: What is persistent MRSA bacteremia and how is it treated?

The following is a clinical review written by Ashleigh Grammar, PharmD, a recent graduate of the UNMC College of Pharmacy, and supervised by Scott Bergman PharmD FIDSA, Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator of Nebraska Medicine Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (@bergmanscott) What is persistent MRSA bacteremia and how is it treated? Methicillin-resistant Staphyloccous aureus (MRSA) (photo credit: CDC Public Health Image […]

Jul 22, 2019

Dr. Susan Swindells to lead new TB prevention clinical trial

We are very proud to have Dr. Susan Swindells as a part of our division. A nationally and internationally renowned HIV clinical researcher, Dr. Swindells is a Professor of Internal Medicine-Infectious Diseases at University of Nebraska Medical Center. For many years she has led the Specialty Care Center in providing extraordinary care to patients with […]

Jul 15, 2019

Inpatient Diarrheal Illness…Don’t Flush your Money: Save it with Diagnostic Stewardship!

Recently, a multidisciplinary team at UNMC published a diagnostic stewardship study in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (ICHE) entitled: Hardwiring diagnostic stewardship using electronic ordering restrictions for gastrointestinal pathogen testing, that prompted a press release from The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), and a feature on an upcoming ICHE podcast episode. Drs. Jasmine Marcelin and Trevor Van […]

Jul 1, 2019