
Division of Infectious Diseases

What to Expect in Antimicrobial Stewardship…Shorter is Better, Of Course!

The following was previously posted by Dr. Marcelin to SHEA Journal Club published online in February 2019.

Electronic clinical decision support tools and rapid diagnostic testing have significantly impacted the way we practice Infectious Diseases. Despite these scientific gains, Antimicrobial Stewardship still requires an understanding of the behavioral science of prescribing. Prior studies have demonstrated that antibiotic prescribing may be influenced by specific behavioral interventions, such as peer comparison, or “nudge” theory.

The Study

Yadav et al. conducted a quasi-experimental quality improvement study to determine the impact of implementing an “Expected Practice” (EP) method to alter antibiotic prescribing practices towards favoring shorter duration of therapy (DOT). This method leverages the prescriber’s desire to meet their own institutional expectations, which may be viewed as more authoritative than external medical society guidelines. The authors chose DOT as the endpoint because clinicians were concerned about potential poor outcomes with shorter DOT.

The EP document included a wealth of evidence supporting shorter treatment durations for the uncomplicated infections, including urinary tract infections (UTI, 1-5 days), pyelonephritis (5-7 days), skin/soft tissue infections (SSTI, 5-6 days), community-acquired pneumonia (CAP, 5 days), and ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP, 7 days). The authors already had an established antimicrobial stewardship program, whose practices did not change during the study, with the exception of implementing procalcitonin testing.


In the 12 months after implementing EP, the average antibiotic DOT decreased by 10%, 11%, 11%, and 27% for UTI, SSTI, CAP and VAP respectively, with concomitant decreases in total antibiotic exposure measured in total milligrams administered. This impact was statistically sustained by the end of that year for UTI and CAP, but seemed to wane toward the end of the year for SSTIs and VAP.

The procalcitonin test that was also implemented during that period was associated with statistically significant increase of antibiotic dose exposure and DOT, which was thought to be due to patients with more complex illness having the test performed and subsequently requiring longer treatment durations.  Mortality was unchanged post-intervention.


The only condition in the EP where antibiotics were not recommended was asymptomatic bacteriuria, and though there is no way to be certain, it is possible that this particular recommendation contributed to the decreased DOT for UTI, by reducing the number of antibiotic starts for “UTI” that was really asymptomatic bacteriuria and didn’t require antibiotics at all. This study demonstrated that providing expectations of practice regarding specific conditions can have important clinical impact on prescribing.

The influence of this change goes beyond simple DOT or dose exposure, to other important factors not measured by this study, like impact on C. difficile infection rates, impact on antimicrobial resistance rates, reduction of antibiotic-related adverse drug events, hospital length of stay.


Kabir Yadav, Eriko Masuda, Emi Minejima, Brad Spellberg; Expected Practice as a Novel Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 6, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, ofy319,

UNMC ID Fellow wins Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award

We are pleased to share that Dr. Richard Hankins, one of our senior ID fellows has been awarded the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award for 2019-2020.  This award will allow Dr. Hankins protected time to study optimization of CHG patient bathing as a method to prevent HAIs/pathogen transmission and pursue additional opportunities for career development. He will also be taking patient safety and performance improvement courses and start work for a masters degree. We asked Dr. Hankins to share his thoughts on this tremendous achievement. 

Since I started my infectious disease fellowship, I have always been interested in pursuing a career in academia.  Research, education, and teaching have always been interests of mine, but things at which I have constantly tried improve on.  Through fellowship I have tried to work on and obtain the necessary tools in order to improve my skill at becoming an independent researcher.  UNMC Infectious Diseases provided the option of a 3rd year of fellowship in order to perfect my skills as an academic clinical researcher in the field of infection control and antimicrobial stewardship.

One of the studies I will lead next year will be in assessing proper utilization of chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine gluconate is a broadly active, biguanide antimicrobial disinfectant that appears to decrease hospital-acquired infections when it is used to bathe patients in intensive care units. However, it remains unclear what the best method is for applying CHG. We seek to evaluate two methods of CHG bathing 2% CHG impregnated cloths and 4% solution with regard to residual CHG skin concentration and quantitative skin microbial burden.

In order to provide me this opportunity the Internal Medicine department graciously awarded me the Scientist Development Award.  I am honored that they selected me, in order to provide me the opportunity to continue to developing my skills as a clinical researcher.  Beyond leading several studies in the upcoming year, I am looking forward to beginning work towards a Masters in Public Health with a focus in biostatistics, which I believe will further augment my training.

I’m incredibly excited for next year, and the opportunity that the UNMC Internal Medicine Department is providing for me with the Scientist Development Award.  I’m thankful that they selected me, but also thankful for all the help that the entire infectious diseases department provided me over the past year and a half.  My mentors Dr. Mark Rupp, Dr. Trevor Van Schooneveld, and Dr. Kelly Cawcutt have helped me immensely, in developing the skills necessary to take advantage of this opportunity. I know without all of their help I wouldn’t be in position to further launch my career.

Dr. Hankins’ main career and research mentors also weighed in on his award:

“Richard has been a real asset for our fellowship and it is very gratifying to see him succeed.  He has worked hard to grow as an Infectious Disease clinician and scientist and this award is validation of those efforts.  I am looking forward to working with Richard on his projects next year.”   – Dr. Trevor Van Schooneveld (ID Fellowship Program Director, Infection Control Associate Medical Director, and one of Dr. Hankins’ mentors)

“I have been a research and career mentor for Dr. Hankins starting in his final year of residency and through fellowship thus far, and supported his completion of several projects, presentations and manuscripts. Dr. Hankins has been motivated to create an academic, research career; with ongoing guidance, he will absolutely succeed in that role and I am pleased to play a part in his career development.” – Dr. Kelly Cawcutt (Infection Control Associate Medical Director, and one of Dr. Hankins’ mentors)

“This is a terrific honor for Rich and will enable him to join the ID division faculty as an instructor and devote significant time to career development. Rich’s research project will greatly expand our knowledge regarding this important infection prevention intervention, and take advantage of UMMC faculty development opportunities to hone his teaching and research skills.” – Dr. Mark Rupp (Infectious Diseases Division Chief, Infection Control Medical Director, and Dr. Hankins’ primary mentor)

Congratulations, Dr. Hankins! The entire UNMC ID Division is very proud!

How Can UNMC ID Help Support You In 2019?

We are excited to be closing in on our 2 year anniversary of our blog. With that anniversary, we have several positive changes coming for our team. Drs. Kelly Cawcutt and Jasmine Marcelin have been appointed Co-Directors for Digital Innovation & Social Media Strategy for the UNMC Division of Infectious Diseases. We also hired a fantastic Social Media Assistant, Hannah Tandon, a first year medical student at UNMC (see her recent introduction here).

We would like to take the time to thank all of our followers on Twitter, those who read and share our blog, and everyone who supports UNMC_ID’s digital footprint. As we are growing, it is time to assess ways to improve our blog and Twitter social media presence. We have provided a variety of different types of posts over the years, but we want to hear what content you would like to see more (or less) of going forward.

Please fill out this short, anonymous, survey to help us understand who our audience (our readers) is and how we can best support your needs going forward.

Thank you!



Meet our new social media assistant: Hannah Tandon

Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in Southern California but have been on the East Coast for the last six years.  I graduated from Amherst College in 2016, and I spent two years before medical school working as a post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award fellow at the National Institutes of Health.  I managed chronic pain clinical trials, and I especially loved working with women with chronic pain, validating their experience, and facilitating meaningful care.  It was rewarding, especially in times like these, to be working on non-addictive strategies for chronic pain management.   This fall, I started medical school here at UNMC.

Why UNMC?  I spent the summer of 2015 working with infectious disease doctors Mark Rupp, Angela Hewlett, and Trevor VanSchooneveld, and it was that summer that clarified my desire to pursue a career in medicine.  It was the first time I saw people doing exactly what I wanted to do: provide patient care and lead clinical research teams. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to pursue my calling in the place where I found it.

So does this mean you’re going to go into ID? I’m not sure!  The infectious disease department has certainly been a home for me, but I’m trying my best to keep an open mind.  I am very lucky to have many physician mentors who love their specialties and encourage students to follow their paths.  However, I think it’s one thing to observe others and another to provide care myself.  I am excited for next spring when I start my clinical rotations to get a better sense of what I am good at and enjoy.

Tell us something about yourself that isn’t related to medicine. I’ve been playing French horn for 10 years, and serendipitously UNMC started the Nebraska Medical Orchestra this year!  Playing music has always been my preferred way to relieve stress, and I enjoy meeting new people I wouldn’t otherwise encounter in my daily routine.


Prescribing in Pediatric Patients: Who is at Risk?

The following was previously posted by Dr. Marcelin to SHEA Journal Club published online in January 2019.

In the inpatient setting, much of the broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing occurs in the context of the sepsis syndrome, where uncertainty leads to overly broad empiricism. Development of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative rods (high-risk GNRs) may complicate empiric treatment choices, and in the pediatric population, delay in appropriate treatment can have a serious impact on morbidity and mortality. However, in some pediatric sepsis cases, bacteria may not even be the cause of illness, and antibiotics may be unnecessary.

Karsies et al. conducted a single-center retrospective cohort study to derive and validate a risk model that would predict likelihood of high-risk GNRs, with a goal to provide narrower empiric antimicrobials.  They defined high-risk GNRs as Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella oxytoca, Extended-spectrum Beta lactamase-producing organisms and other GNRs with reduced susceptibility to >1 antibiotic class.

Their institution’s baseline prevalence of these organisms was 25%. They used previously described cohorts from 2004 and 2007 for model derivation and created a new cohort for model validation (2014-2015) – both cohorts had over 500 infection episodes. Their previous study had established 10 candidate risk factors for high-risk GNRs, and the main outcome variable of this study was growth of any high-risk GNR from the sites sampled in individuals predicted to have growth.

Using a multivariable logistic regression, they examined variables that fit the model with at least a 95% sensitivity cutoff, and six factors fit in the model: hospitalization>48hrs, hospitalization within 4weeks, recent antibiotics, chronic lung disease, residence in chronic care facility and previous growth of high-risk GNRs. They then validated this in the second cohort, where individuals were considered high risk if they had one or more of the identified risk factors. The sensitivity was 96.4% and specificity 48% in the derivation cohort, and 93% and 51% respectfully in the validation cohort, with negative predictive values over 90% in both cohorts.

The size of the study and the pediatric focus are strengths, however, there was only an 8.5% relative risk reduction in unnecessary antipseudomonal antibiotics using six risk factors, as compared to without the model, using 10 factors. The risk factors that they identified are easily obtained, however may themselves not be independent of each other. Additionally, both groups had low baseline PRISM III scores, indicating that perhaps both groups of children were not as critically ill. A baseline high-risk GNR prevalence of 25 percent is alarmingly high and makes generalizability difficult without first doing a similar prospective study across multiple centers.

Reference: Karsies, Todd et al. “Development and Validation of a Model to Predict Growth of Potentially Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli in Critically Ill Children With Suspected Infection” Open forum infectious diseases vol. 5,11 ofy278. 24 Oct. 2018, doi:10.1093/ofid/ofy278

Baloxavir Marboxil for Uncomplicated Influenza – Worth the Cost?

Influenza season is in full swing and with that, the discussions surrounding treatment are heating up! Dr. Hankins, a second year ID fellow, led our recent journal club discussion on Baloxavir.

The New England Journal of Medicine article, Baloxavir Marboxil for Uncomplicated Influenza in Adults and Adolescents, discusses two randomized control trials, that were double-blinded for healthy outpatients with acute, uncomplicated influenza during the 2016-2017 influenza season. Phase II & Phase III trials reported. The primary outcome of both trials was time to alleviation of symptoms, with secondary outcomes of viral RNA titers, duration of virus detection, and resistance testing. The Phase II trial evaluated one time doses of baloxavir 10mg, 20mg and 40mg, vs placebo. The study evaluated adults in Japan who had a fever, at least one respiratory symptom, one systemic influenza symptom, and a positive rapid antigen test (the standard of care in Japan). The results of the phase II trial showed baloxavir significantly reduced time to alleviation of symptoms, with 54.2 hours in the 10 mg group, 51.0 hours in the 20 mg group, and 49.5 hours in the 40 mg group, compared to 77.7 hours in the placebo group.

The phase III trial evaluated baloxavir vs oseltamivir vs placebo, and used similar inclusion criteria, although it did not require a positive influenza antigen test, as this study was in the United States as well as Japan. It evaluated a one time dose of baloxavir 40mg or 80mg (decided by weight) vs oseltamivir 75mg BID for 5 days vs placebo. In the phase III Baloxavir successfully decreased time to alleviation of symptoms of approximately 1 day compared to placebo, but the time to alleviation of symptoms was comparable to oseltamivir. Viral load reduction appeared to be greater in the first few days, but then becomes equitable with oseltamivir. Plus, resistance to Baloxavir may increase to 10% after a single dose. Adverse events were similar in all groups.

Take-always: Baloxavir appears similar to oseltamivir for treatment of outpatient symptoms of influenza. Is there a possible utility for the viral load reduction of baloxavir in the inpatient setting, particularly among the immunocompromised or critically ill? Is the one-time dose of Baloxavir worth the cost given the no change in symptoms for outpatients? If we use it, will it only be short-lived given the higher rate of resistance that seems to evolve?

Will we prescribe it? The overall consensus seemed to be no; not if we can still use oseltamivir.


It’s Getting Hot in Here: The Conundrum of Fever in the ICU

Fever has plagued mankind through the ages although was not until the 1600s when Thomas Sydenham reportedly first recognized that fever was an innate response” to get rid of the injurious agents causing the disease”.

In the intensive care unit, fever is one of the most common abnormal signs documented and frequently results in changes in clinical management of the patient, yet we continue to lack adequate evidence regarding the definitions of fever, the incidence, the impact of fever on mortality and whether or not we should treat fever (and if we should, in who).

With this in mind, clinicians need to review fever and the continual evolution of literature regarding this, particularly as it is very likely that temperature management will continue to garner attention regarding how temperature impacts sepsis management and outcomes.

Definition and Pathophysiology

Normothermia: Defined as a normal body temperature of approximately 37.0 C although there is noted variation that is normal of+/- 0.5C throughout the day.

  • Fever: There has been a range of temperatures defined as fever in the literature, however a core body temperature of > 38.3 C has been accepted as fever among the critically ill. However, it should be noted that lower temperatures may represent fever in the immunocompromised.
  • High Fever: Generally this is defined as a persistent body temperature greater than 39-40 C, although here again there has been some variations in the literature.
  •  Prolonged Fever: If the duration of fever is >5 days, it is often considered a prolonged fever.
  • Hyperthermia: An elevated body temperature, often >41 C,  that may be indistinguishable from “fever” clinically, but is due to lack of change in the hypothalamic “setpoint” (See below for further detail).


Fever and hyperthermia are notably different mechanisms of alterations in body temperature, although initially these may be difficult to differentiate during a patient evaluation. Thermoregulation is controlled by the hypothalamus, and in fever from infectious and noninfectious causes, the “set point” of temperature by the hypothalamus is increased thereby “allowing” fever. This however is not the case in hyperthermia syndromes. In hyperthermia, there is no change in the hypothalamic “set point” and body temperature is dysregulated resulting in decreased ability for natural heat dissipation.

Measurement of Fever

With the definition of fever behind us, we can focus on how exactly we detect fever. The gold standard for measuring temperature is through a pulmonary artery catheter. However, in the absence of this, we resort to alternative measurements such as thermistors on bladder catheters, esophageal probes or rectal probes. Alternative options also include tympanic membrane or temporal artery thermometers. Of these, rectal, esophageal, bladder and tympanic membrane (not infrared) may be the closest to core body temperature. Axillary, oral and skin temperatures are available but may be impractical and/or less reliable.

Incidence of Fever

Body temperature measurements are ubiquitous in the hospital and intensive care units. Fever is also incredibly common with reports of approximately 25 to greater than 80% of ICU admissions having at least one fever during their ICU stay, and of this approximately 50% are ultimately attributed to infection.

Causes of Fever: Infectious vs Noninfectious vs Hyperthermia

There are many potential causes of fever in the ICU. When evaluating patients, history can be critical to determining if there is a risk for a hyperthermia syndrome such as heat stroke, malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome or serotonin syndrome or endocrine diseases causing hyperthermia such as drug intoxication and withdrawal,thyrotoxicosis, adrenal crisis and pheochromocytoma.

Infectious causes a fever are incredibly diverse and may be secondary to a variety of pathogens including bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. Further, some of these fevers will be driven by infections that were present are incubating on arrival to the ICU and others will develop during the ICU stay as a nosocomial infection.

Finally, there are also many noninfectious causes of fever among critically ill. These can include post-operative fevers, drug reactions, thrombosis and emboli or infarct, hemorrhage, pancreatitis, transfusion reactions, pancreatitis or acalculus cholecystitis and occult malignancy among many other potentials.

Given the robust array of potential causes of fever or hypothermia in the critically ill population, providers need to be very thoughtful and thorough when obtaining the initial history, past medical history, review of systems, medications, social and exposures/travel history combined with a thorough examination of the patient to search for potential clues for the cause of fever. Guidelines call for thoughtful evaluation and not to proceed with a reflex fever evaluation.

Managing Fever

Finding fevers, or other abnormal temperatures, among critically ill patient’s is clearly common and impacts clinical decision making however we still lack evidence on whether or not we should intervene on all fevers. The difficulty remains the complex balance between risks and benefits that fever portends to the patient.

The risks and benefit of fever are complex at best. There is always concern for patient discomfort with fever the combined with increased metabolic and oxygen demands raising increased risk of brain damage and multi organ failure. On the other hand, fever is a normal and adaptive response to infection that prompts further evaluation and management from clinicians. Further, this normal febrile response to infection may improve host immune responses, impede bacterial growth, enhance both antimicrobial concentrations and efficacy.

There is ongoing discrepancies in the literature regarding whether or not fever carries increased mortality or not and these variations may be due to timing of fever, severity of fever and underlying comorbidities at the time of fever. In a 2017 meta-analysis, Rombus et al aimed to assess the association between body temperature and mortality among patients with sepsis(10). In this particular study, fever(greater than 38 C) was associated with decreased mortality while hypothermia (<36 C) had a higher associated mortality compared to normothermia. This is concordant with a 2017 study in Critical Care Medicine regarding the predictive value of fever in the emergency department for patients, which demonstrated an inverse relationship between decreased mortality and shorter hospital length of stay associated with higher temperatures on presentation. However, patients with high and prolonged fever have been shown to have higher mortality in some studies.

Treatment of fever in patients with neurologic injury, myocardial ischemia and arguably in severe hypoxia, may improve outcomes, but this does not necessarily translate to all critically ill populations. In addition, hyperthermia syndromes do require emergent therapy which may include stopping the offending agent, antidote and supportive cares including physical cooling. In hyperthermia, antipyretics are not routinely recommended as they are not usually effective in states without an elevated hypothalamic setpoint.

Use of Antipyretics or cooling therapies

Finding fever is one thing and deciding to treat it in order to decrease it is another. This area remains one of “hot” debate including whether fever is simply a marker for poorer outcomes or whether active treatment of abnormal body temperature can improve outcomes.

Given the frequency of acetaminophen administration among critically ill patients with fever, a randomized controlled trial assessed treatment versus placebo and did not find a significant difference in the number of ICU free days or 90 day mortality(12). Systematic reviewed meta-analysis of antipyretic therapy among critically ill septic patients also did not demonstrate a significant improvement in 28 day or hospital mortality(6). However, on the contrary, there has been associations of fever with increased mortality prompting further observational study on the association of body temperature and antipyretics treatments with mortality(13). In this study it was noted that in patients without sepsis, high fever (>39.5) was associated with mortality and antipyretics among septic patients increased mortality, raising question into the potential different impacts fever and antipyretics may have depending on whether the patient has sepsis(13). A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of antipyretic use in critically ill adults with sepsis did not find a significant improvement in either 28-day or hospital mortality(6).

Physical cooling therapies are also utilized in both fever and hyperthermia. There is a vast array of technology from the simplicity of ice packs and stands to advanced cooling blankets to intravascular cooling devices. It is unknown if there is a significant difference with these varying methods for cooling patient’s and despite the increased speed and stability of intravascular cooling, we lack substantial evidence to state that this is provides significant improvement in patient outcome(4, 5). All cooling methods carry some risk however the intravascular devices are by nature invasive in carry the risk of central line placement with them(4).


What to do with abnormal body temperatures, particularly fever, remain an area where we need more research to guide our clinical practice. For now, abnormal temperatures should be evaluated for the underlying etiology and then the art of medicine kicks in – which temperature is right for your patient? Hot, cold or somewhere in between? The many risks and benefits will need to be weighed for each individual patient – unless you have high fever with a hyperthermia syndrome, neurologic injury, myocardial ischemia or severe hypoxia – in these settings, normothermia may prevent further organ damage.

Content by Dr. Kelly Cawcutt. 


  1. Bryan CS. Fever, famine, and war: William Osler as an infectious diseases specialist. Clinical infectious diseases. 1996;23(5):1139-49.
  2. Laupland KB, Shahpori R, Kirkpatrick AW, Ross T, Gregson DB, Stelfox HT. Occurrence and outcome of fever in critically ill adults. Critical care medicine. 2008;36(5):1531-5.
  3. Laupland KB. Fever in the critically ill medical patient. Critical care medicine. 2009;37(7):S273-S8.
  4. Golding R, Taylor D, Gardner H, Wilkinson JN. Targeted temperature management in intensive care–Do we let nature take its course? Journal of the Intensive Care Society. 2016;17(2):154-9.
  5. Kushimoto S, Yamanouchi S, Endo T, Sato T, Nomura R, Fujita M, et al. Body temperature abnormalities in non-neurological critically ill patients: a review of the literature. Journal of Intensive Care. 2014;2(1):14.
  6. Drewry AM, Ablordeppey EA, Murray ET, Stoll CR, Izadi SR, Dalton CM, et al. Antipyretic Therapy in Critically Ill Septic Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Critical care medicine. 2017;45(5):806.
  7. Rehman T. Persistent fever in the ICU. CHEST Journal. 2014;145(1):158-65.
  8. O’Grady NP, Barie PS, Bartlett JG, Bleck T, Carroll K, Kalil AC, et al. Guidelines for evaluation of new fever in critically ill adult patients: 2008 update from the American College of Critical Care Medicine and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Critical care medicine. 2008;36(4):1330-49.
  9. Niven DJ, Laupland KB. Pyrexia: aetiology in the ICU. Critical Care. 2016;20(1):247.
  10. Rumbus Z, Matics R, Hegyi P, Zsiboras C, Szabo I, Illes A, et al. Fever Is Associated with Reduced, Hypothermia with Increased Mortality in Septic Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials. PloS one. 2017;12(1):e0170152.
  11. Sundén-Cullberg J, Rylance R, Svefors J, Norrby-Teglund A, Björk J, Inghammar M. Fever in the Emergency Department Predicts Survival of Patients With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Admitted to the ICU. Critical care medicine. 2017;45(4):591-9.
  12. Patel J. Acetaminophen for Fever in Critically Ill Patients with Suspected Infection. The New England journal of medicine. 2016;374(13):1291.
  13. Lee BH, Inui D, Suh GY, Kim JY, Kwon JY, Park J, et al. Association of body temperature and antipyretic treatments with mortality of critically ill patients with and without sepsis: multi-centered prospective observational study. Critical care. 2012;16(1):R33.

Global Burden of Tuberculosis: Are We Making Any Improvements?

UNMC is a proud to play a critical role in biopreparedness and global health, which also means we have to stay up-to-date on global health, including tuberculosis.
In a recent Infectious Diseases journal club, Dr. Lawler presented the following 2018 Lancet article on the global burden of TB.
Take-Home Points:
We still see over 10.4 incident cases of TB globally (HIV and non-HIV patients) with over 1.4 million deaths in 2016. TB remains a critical need and epidemic globally that demands attention.
The vast majority of non-HIV related TB deaths are in those < 65. This relates to significant socioeconomic burdens of disease.
The incidence is decreasing by 1.3% among HIV negative individuals and 4% among HIV positive patients, far below the the goal of 10% decrease by 2030 in the Sustainable Development Goal.
Much of this data is done via modeling, but truth be told, many of model are based on assumptions in areas of the world with high burden of disease and very poor diagnostics for confirming TB. Per Dr. Lawler’s assessment, only approximately 400,000 data points are hard data vs theoretical data with the subsequent modeling. Yet, this is the data driving our guideline development. Thus raising critical, ethical questions of: What if we used the millions of dollars funding this study to provide those diagnostics? Where is the greatest impact for generating support for improving care and reduction of TB?
The study is perhaps a cautionary tale of the dangers of taking modeling data as a hard, cold truth. The highlight – the reminder that TB is still a major player in global disease and death.


Decisive De-labelling in Cancer Patients: Just what the Doctor Ordered

The following was previously posted by Dr. Marcelin to SHEA Journal Club published online in January 2019.

Although 10% of Americans report penicillin allergies, 90% of those allergies are not substantiated. Up to 25% of patients living with cancer report penicillin allergies, but more than half of these are low risk and could tolerate beta-lactams.

Cancer patients are likely to receive inappropriate antibiotics for a documented penicillin allergy because they are immunocompromised, therefore “special”. Additionally, admission for systemic illness like neutropenic fever, it may not be convenient to schedule penicillin skin testing, and other medications could interfere with skin testing.

Trubiano et al. focused specifically on cancer patients to test the feasibility of implementing an oral penicillin challenge program as a means to de-label inappropriate penicillin allergies in cancer patients. Of 98 patients with low-risk penicillin allergy, only 46 met the inclusion criteria and consented to participate, 23 of whom had either solid-organ or hematological cancer.

The study included inpatient and outpatients. An ID physician performed a detailed history and cleared patients for oral penicillin challenge, in the form of a dose of either penicillin VK or amoxicillin, administered by an antimicrobial stewardship nurse.

All 46 patients tolerated the challenge and were successfully de-labelled. Beta lactams were more likely to be prescribed post challenge than pre challenge. (22/26, 84.6% vs 1/31, 3.2%; P < .001), a difference that remained after stratification for different variations of specific beta-lactams.

Despite the small size of the pilot study, this work is important because most penicillin challenge studies have focused on children and immunocompetent patients. Given the significant use of antibiotics in the cancer population, results like this can inform larger studies, or provide impetus to consider implementation of similar de-labelling programs when skin testing is not available.

Reference: Trubiano, Jason A et al. “The Safety and Efficacy of an Oral Penicillin Challenge Program in Cancer Patients: A Multicenter Pilot Study” Open forum infectious diseases vol. 5,12 ofy306. 17 Nov. 2018, doi:10.1093/ofid/ofy306

SeptiCyte: Is It Ready for Prime-time?

The following is a summary of a recent ID Journal Club, presented and written by 2nd year ID Fellow Dr. Raj Karnatak:

Sepsis defined as “life-threatening organ dysfunction due to the dysregulated host response to an infection” [1]. Sepsis most commonly results from a bacterial infection, or less frequently from a fungal or viral infection. Sepsis is the most expensive condition treated in US hospitals with an aggregate cost of 23.7 billion US dollars annually [2]. The global burden of sepsis is estimated to be up to 30 million people every year, causing up to 6 million deaths [3]. The Surviving Sepsis campaign recommend administration of effective antimicrobial therapy within one hour of identification of sepsis. Unfortunately, signs and symptoms of sepsis are non-specific, and early identification of sepsis remains to be a challenge.

A delay in the administration of effective antimicrobial therapy can lead to significantly increased mortality [4]. Due to the rapid progression to life-threatening organ dysfunction or death, antimicrobials are liberally administered in all suspected cases of sepsis. Unfortunately, this practice may contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate at least 2 million people get an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection each year and lead to a minimum 23,000 deaths. Unfortunately, traditional culture methods to identify micro-organisms are time-consuming and are not as helpful in the early identification of sepsis. Most recently, significant strides have been made with newer rapid diagnostic methods, but early and accurate identification of sepsis remains challenging.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care “Validation of a Host Response Assay, SeptiCyte LAB, for Discriminating Sepsis from Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in the ICU” used a novel method for the early identification of sepsis [5]. The SeptiCyte lab is a host response assay that quantifies expression of 4 major genes (CEACAM4, LAMP1, PLAC8, PLA2G7) for the early identification of sepsis. This article combined findings obtained from 3 prospective observational studies and included a total of 447 patients from 7 sites in the United States and one site in the Netherlands. The primary objective of this study was to establish performances of the SeptiCyte test for the correct identification of sepsis from a non-infectious SIRS either as a stand-alone test or in combination with other clinical variables. The investigators used real-time, reverse-transcription, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) to measure sepsis gene expression after the extraction of mRNA from blood samples obtained from patients with suspected sepsis. After extraction of m-RNA, RT-qPCR provided a quantitative score (SeptiCyte score). In this study, the binary cutoff value for SeptiCyte score was 3.1: a value 3.1 or above was consistent with sepsis and a score of less than 3.1 was designated as non-infectious SIRS (systemic inflammatory syndrome).

The SeptiCyte test was evaluated in three different sepsis physician diagnosis groups (unanimous, consensus and forced).  The ability of the Septicyte test to differentiate between sepsis and non-infectious SIRS was compared with other clinical variables such as procalcitonin, WBC count, mean arterial pressure, core temperature, and number of other SIRS criteria. Interestingly, SeptiCyte was found to be most accurate in differentiating between sepsis and non-infectious SIRS. SeptiCyte showed highest area under the receiver-operator curve (AUC), between 0.82 to 0.89.  The procalcitonin AUC was 0.80 and AUC for other individual variables fell below 0.67. Notably, SeptiCyte correctly identified 100% of blood culture positive sepsis cases. The diagnostic performance of SeptiCyte only slightly increased in combination with procalcitonin. Combination of other clinical variables did not add up to further increase in AUC.

Although this study showed SeptiCyte could accurately differentiate between infectious and non-infectious causes of SIRS, the assay has several weaknesses. First, the SeptiCyte assay took 6 hours to result, so it would likely not be more useful in sepsis identification than some newer and emerging rapid diagnostic tests; therefore the cost-effectiveness to clinical utility balance is yet to be determined. Additionally, the study included patients with SIRS and only included patients already in the ICU, when the emergency department may be the first point of initiation of any institutional sepsis protocol.  Finally, the test performance was lowest with pneumonia, which is one of the the most common causes of sepsis in the ICU, again questioning the clinical utility. Other questions remain such as whether this technology would have a role in out-of-hospital sepsis bundle initiation.

The SeptiCyte assay was approved by FDA in Feb 2017 as an indication for sepsis diagnosis in ICU patients, and efforts are being made to reduce test result time within 90 minutes. It will be interesting to see how SeptiCyte performance compares with other new and emerging rapid diagnostic tests to identify micro-organism directly from a blood samples.


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