Author: Jasmine Riviere Marcelin, MD

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

If you work in an office at all, chances are you have come into contact with an Administrative Professional.  The impact of an Administrative Professional on their office team has been compared to glue or paperclips that keep the office together. Our Administrative Professionals are an integral part of our group here at UNMC ID.  […]

Apr 25, 2018

World Meningitis Day 2018: #AllMeningitisMatters

It’s World Meningitis Day! #Meningitis affects more than 2.8 million people globally each year.  Meningitis can be a scary disease.  It can be contagious, debilitating, and even deadly.  That’s why it is important to understand what it is, how to recognize it and how to prevent it. What is meningitis? The meninges are a set […]

Apr 24, 2018

Headed to #ECCMID2018? UNMC ID will be there!

UNMCID is a versatile Infectious Diseases Division, with faculty active in multiple clinical/research pursuits. Some of our faculty are just returning from #SHEA2018 in Portland OR, and others are headed to Madrid Spain to participate in #ECCMID2018 this week from April 21-24.  If you are going to be in Madrid this week, here’s where to […]

Apr 20, 2018

Who’s going to #SHEA2018?

UNMCID is excited to participate in #SHEA2018 this week from April 18-20 in Portland, OR. This is going to be an exciting conference this year, featuring “Education on Innovative Topics Addressing Unanswered Issues in Healthcare Epidemiology, Antibiotic Stewardship, and Post-Acute & Long-Term Care“.  We want to be sure YOU know where to find us in […]

Apr 17, 2018

EMET Student Profile – Rohan Khazanchi, M1

Tell us about the position you are starting? I will be joining the HIV Clinic over the next four years as a new HIV Enhanced Medical Education Track (EMET) student. Being in a longitudinal program like this means I will be returning to the HIV clinic throughout my medical training to learn about management of […]

Apr 16, 2018

Faculty Research Presentation: Bacterial Iron Metabolism and Novel Antimicrobial Strategies

Every month, we have a faculty member presents their ongoing research. Last month we had the opportunity to learn from Dean Bradley Britigan about novel antimicrobial strategies involving disruption of bacterial iron metabolism.  Microorganisms need iron for growth and metabolism; they need it for enzymes, gene regulation, and development of virulence factors. Most bacterial species […]

Apr 11, 2018

ID Journal Club Presents…Antimicrobial Stewardship in Immunocompromised Patients with Febrile Neutropenia of Unknown Origin– Focusing on Early De-escalation

Targeted therapy and antimicrobial stewardship in patients with febrile neutropenia is difficult because in the vast majority of cases, an organism is not identified, and patients are known to be high risk for serious infections. Antibiotic de-escalation in patients with neutropenic fever varies, with European guidelines recommending 72hr de-escalation and North American guidelines recommending continuation […]

Apr 9, 2018

UNMC ID Welcomes New M1 Enhanced Medical Education Track Students

The UNMC College of Medicine offers a unique Enhanced Medical Education Track (EMET) program which provides an opportunity for medical students to delve into particular disciplines of interest in the field of medicine throughout their four year degree program. Track students attend seminars, preceptorships and complete a research project culminating in a poster or conference […]

Apr 6, 2018

Pharm to Exam Table: Meet Biktarvy, the Newest of the Antiretroviral Family!

Pharm to Exam Table: Clinical Pharmacology/Antimicrobial Updates – Biktarvy, a new co-formulated integrase inhibitor-based treatment approved for HIV On February 7th 2018, the Food and Drug Administration approved a new combination antiretroviral drug called Biktarvy®(1). Biktarvy® (B/F/TAF) is a single-tablet, once daily regimen containing the novel integrase strand transfer inhibitor bictegravir coformulated with emtricitabine and tenofovir […]

Apr 2, 2018

Breakfast with IDSA CEO Chris Busky, CAE

This morning members of our UNMC ID division had the opportunity to have breakfast with the CEO of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Chris Busky, CAE. Though it was early in the morning, our fellows and several faculty made an appearance at the breakfast, where we listened to a short presentation by Mr. […]

Mar 29, 2018