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Month: March 2020

#PharmToExamTable: What is the evidence for continuous infusion dosing of cefazolin?

The following is a clinical review written by Corey Paz, PharmD. Recent graduate of UNMC College of Pharmacy and new PGY1 Pharmacy Resident at Gunderson Health System in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Follow him on Twitter @coreypaz. Corey was supervised by Scott Bergman, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS. Pharmacy Coordinator for Antimicrobial Stewardship at Nebraska Medicine and Clinical […]

Mar 30, 2020

The Weekly Corona with Dr. Raquel Lamarche

Dr. Raquel Lamarche is a PGY1 Internal Medicine/Pediatrics resident at UNMC, who will be summarizing updates about SARS-CoV-2 and hopefully make information easier to digest, with additional outlines of implications for graduate medical education.

Mar 25, 2020

At the center of the 2018 West Nile Virus season, UNMC ID physicians encountered an unusual presentation

In 2018, we experienced a particularly severe West Nile Virus season, with an unusually high amount of neuroinvasive disease. Last summer, our senior ID Fellow Dr. Lindsey Rearigh shared an informational blog post about the disease, and more recently, she and Dr. Sara Bares published a case report in the Journal of Neurovirology describing a […]

Mar 23, 2020

Contraception and Antiretroviral Therapy: Important Interactions to Keep in Mind

Dr. Kimberly Scarsi recently published an important study in Lancet HIV: “Antiretroviral therapy and vaginally administered contraceptive hormones: a three-arm, pharmacokinetic study.”  We were excited to learn more about and feature her work! Could you please give us a brief summary of the study you performed? This was a pharmacokinetic evaluation of the effect of […]

Mar 16, 2020

Journal Club: Should vancomycin be given as prophylaxis for Clostridioides difficile infections?

The following is a review by one of our fellows, Dr. Randy McCreery, who at a recent journal club presented a paper by Johnson, et al.: Effectiveness of Oral Vancomycin for Prevention of Healthcare Facility-Onset Clostridioides difficile Infection in Targeted Patients During Systemic Antibiotic Exposure, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 28 September 2019. In addition, Drs. McCreery, Cawcutt, […]

Mar 10, 2020

About our First Year Fellows – Dr. Clayton Mowrer

Tell us about the position you are starting: I am a quarter of the way through my first two years of a four year adventure as an Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Infectious Diseases fellow here at UNMC. I will spend these first two years here learning adult ID, followed by two years at Children’s Hospital and Medical […]

Mar 3, 2020

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