Research Digest: Improving the Practice of ID

Research Digest is a periodic installment that recognizes the world-class clinical research performed right here at UNMC ID. Today, we review three articles covering the efforts to utilize research to improve the way we practice medicine, from optimizing the work environment to making it easier to find the most up-to-date recommendations. As always, check out […]

Jan 17, 2024

UNMC ID in the Community: Blankets for Those in Need

Every fall, the UNMC student-led organization Fostering the Future sponsors a project to create blankets for foster children, women and children at shelters, refugee families, children undergoing long-term medical treatments, and adults undergoing chemotherapy. This year, the UNMC ID Specialty Care Clinic decided to get into the holiday spirit and join the fun by cutting and tying fleece blankets for donation to youth in foster care with help from Project Everlast, Project Harmony, Partnership 4 Kids, and the Omaha Police Department. The SCC Client Services Team tied the blankets (pictured right).

Dec 13, 2023

Voices of ID: Nikki Regan on COVID-19

This post features Nikki Regan, author of a narrative at the intersection of patient and practitioner during the COVID-19 pandemic, now published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Nov 27, 2023

Summary of 8 Antibiotic Myths for Infectious Disease Clinicians (Part 1)

Antibiotic usage frequently has rapidly changing recommendations. This summary reviews the first 4 of the top 8 antibiotic myths facing clinicians. Check back to the next post for the remaining antibiotic-prescribing myths!

Nov 22, 2023

Penicillin Allergy Risk Low? Challenge with PO!

This post is part of a shared series for U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week between the Nebraska Antimicrobial Stewardship Assessment and Promotion Program (ASAP), the Infection Control Assessment and Promotion Program (ICAP), and the University of Nebraska Medical Center Division for Infectious Diseases. Check out the other posts on the ASAP webpage and social media accounts.

Nov 21, 2023

Research Digest: Advancing Transplant ID

Research Digest is a periodic installment that recognizes the world-class clinical research performed right here at UNMC ID. Today, we review three articles covering the infectious complications of organ transplants. As always, check out the linked full articles for more details.

Nov 8, 2023

Dr. Swindells Awarded with Lifetime Achievement Award at IDWeek

Dr. Susan Swindells, clinician, researcher, and recipient of the 2023 Alexander Fleming Award for Lifetime Achievement

Oct 18, 2023

UNMC ID Recognizes Advanced Practice Provider Appreciation Week!

The UNMC Infectious Diseases Division recognizes the talented and dedicated group of Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) that deliver excellent and compassionate clinical care for our patients.  We are appreciative and feel privileged to work with you.  Thank you for all that you do – every day!

Sep 29, 2023

New Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Mackenzie Keintz

Dr. Mackenzie Keintz is no stranger to UNMC ID as a third-year ID fellow, but she is joining UNMC ID faculty as a clinical instructor. She is also the associate medical director of Nebraska ICAP’s Project First Line, which enhances the ID training of frontline healthcare workers. Read on to learn more about Dr. Keintz. Congratulations, Mackenzie!

Sep 27, 2023

New Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Jennifer Davis

Dr. Jennifer Davis joins UNMC ID as an assistant professor following her ID fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She is an expert in HIV care and will practice in our HIV clinic, but will also see a broad range of other patients with the ID consult service. Read on to learn more about our superb new ID physician. Congratulations, Jennifer!

Sep 14, 2023