Tag: #NewGuidelines

High-level Review: Updated STI Guidelines Part 2

In July 2021 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their sexually transmitted infections (STI) treatment guideline, an update from 2015.1 Below, senior ID fellow Dr. Jonathan Ryder highlights significant (but by no means comprehensive) changes in this new guideline that can be incorporated into clinical practice and some of the evidence supporting these changes. Part 2 – Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Sep 7, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Ryder, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow

High-level Review: Updated STI Guidelines Part 1

In July 2021 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their sexually transmitted infections (STI) treatment guideline, an update from 2015.1 Below, senior ID fellow Dr. Jonathan Ryder highlights significant (but by no means comprehensive) changes in this new guideline that can be incorporated into clinical practice and some of the evidence supporting these changes. Part 1 – Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium

Sep 1, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Ryder, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow