Month: November 2017

Celebrating Nurse Practitioner’s Week – Spotlight on Oncology Infectious Diseases NP’s!

Nurse Practitioner’s Week runs from November 12 to November 18. During this week, the ID wants to recognize and extend our appreciation to our Nurse Practitioner’s that provide extraordinary care to our patients at Nebraska Medicine. Our first spotlight features Whitney Knuth and Jolene Tijerina, who serve our Oncology ID patients.   Whitney Knuth (on […]

Nov 15, 2017

Be Antibiotics Aware…in Long-Term Care Facilities

Nebraska ASAP efforts promote antimicrobial stewardship activities in long-term care facilities across the state Up to 70% of residents in long-term care facilities receive at least one course of systemic antibiotic annually, with 40-75% of prescribed antibiotics being considered unnecessary or inappropriate.  As part of the condition for participation, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid […]

Nov 15, 2017

Be Antibiotics Aware… in Hospitals

Since 2004, (Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) at Nebraska Medicine) has been helping patients to receive the best antimicrobials for their infection, and assisting with decisions by prescribers on when to avoid giving antibiotics. The philosophy of the program is not to restrict access to life saving medications, but to focus on patient safety by guiding […]

Nov 14, 2017

Be Antibiotics Aware…to Preserve our Future

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Preserving the Future Antimicrobials were an amazing discovery and have been appropriately credited, along with vaccination and sanitation, with the significant improvements in human life expectancy over the last century.  With their amazing impact has come the opportunity for new therapies including organ transplant, complex surgery, and care for extremely preterm infants.  The […]

Nov 13, 2017

In Nebraska, US Antibiotic Awareness Week Kicks off with Proclamation from Governor Pete Ricketts

Antibiotic resistance is a growing national and global concern. Many factors contribute to increasing antibiotic resistance, including inappropriate or unnecessary antibiotic use in both humans and animals. Antimicrobial Stewardship is the commitment to appropriate use of antimicrobials, and both clinicians and patients can be antimicrobial stewards.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has […]

Nov 12, 2017

Nebraska ICAP Launches a New Website Making Access to Infection Prevention and Control Resources Much Easier

Nebraska ICAP (Infection Control Assessment and Promotion Program) is supported by the Nebraska DHHS HAI (Healthcare Associated Infections) Program via a CDC grant. The project is a result of a partnership between University of Nebraska Medical Center/ Nebraska Medicine and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services HAI Program. It serves as a statewide infection […]

Nov 10, 2017

Infectious Diseases Journal Club – Should Patients with CAUTI Receive Early Empiric Antibiotics?

On 10/17/2017, Dr. Ashraf discussed an interesting study during UNMC Infectious Diseases Division Journal Club. The study entitled, “Empirical Antibiotic Treatment Does Not Improve Outcomes in Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection: Prospective Cohort Study” was conducted in Israel and published in the Journal Clinical Infectious Diseases in August 2017. In this prospective observational cohort study, the authors studied […]

Nov 8, 2017

Student Interest Group Update: Dr. Ali Khan Inspires Interest in Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Public Health

Two student interest groups, the Infectious Diseases Interest Group and and the Student Alliance for Global Health, collaborated to host a presentation by Dr. Ali Khan, Dean of the College of Public Health and former director for the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at the CDC. His professional endeavors have focused on emerging […]

Nov 6, 2017

UNMC ID Fellowship Coordinator Sandy Nelson TAGME-certified!

It is with great pleasure that we announce that our UNMC Infectious Diseases Fellowship Coordinator, Sandy Nelson has passed her examination administered by the National Board for Certification: Training Administrators of Graduate Medical Education (TAGME) and has earned the designation C-TAGME. C-TAGME is available to individuals who have served as a program coordinator for two […]

Nov 4, 2017


Practice Makes Perfect – Drills with the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit

The Nebraska Biocontainment Unit (NBU) is one of ten Regional Ebola and other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers (RESPTC) in the United States that has the capacity to care for patients with a highly hazardous communicable disease. As part of ongoing preparedness efforts the NBU coordinated a 2 day exercise on October 12 & 13, 2017 […]

Nov 3, 2017

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