We are excited to welcome Dr. Timothy McElroy as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about him…
Tell us about the position you are starting
Hi, my name is Tim McElroy and I’m excited to be joining the ID team at UNMC this year!
Tell us about your background
I was born and raised in central Illinois before moving to the University of Chicago for my undergraduate degree. After some frigid winters, it was a blessing to do my medical school at Ross University on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean before returning to Chicago to complete clinical rotations. Residency took me to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA for four great years of Med-Peds training. There I met my wife Chelsea who has made life so much better! While she was finishing her Med-Peds residency, I worked as a Nocturnist for a year before coming to Omaha for fellowship training.
Why did you choose to come work at UNMC
I chose to specialize in Infectious Disease because it is endlessly fascinating. You get to be involved in the care of a diverse set of patients from all walks of life. There is a mix of inpatient consults, often on the most complex or puzzling presentations in the hospital across all medical and surgical specialties. You also get the privilege of caring for people on an outpatient basis in HIV clinic as well as general clinics.
What makes you excited about working in ID
I am very interested in how we can best and most efficiently use our available antibiotics to slow down the rise of antimicrobial resistance and am looking forward to working with our ID pharmacists as well as the rest of the Stewardship team.
Tell us something about yourself that is unrelated to medicine
Outside of the hospital I like to travel and experience different cultures through their local foods. I also like to cook, although my meals tend to be too elaborate and take too long to prepare (ask Chelsea!). Our Weimaraner Kane also fills a lot of our time as he loves to go for runs and walks as well as play fetch for hours. Chelsea and I look forward to finding and building a community in Omaha as we move into this season of life. Can’t wait to get started! Please get your Covid-19 vaccine if you have not yet gotten one!

Learn more about the UNMC Infectious Diseases Fellowship here.