Biopreparedness Training in ID Fellowship

Photo of Drs. Mark Ridder and Clayton Mowrer, UNMC ID 2nd year fellows.

Content provided by Drs. Hewlett, Ridder and Mowrer.

Beginning in 2019, the UNMC ID Fellows have participated in Biopreparedness Training during their 2nd year of fellowship.  The ID Fellows learn about emerging infectious diseases and biopreparedness through didactic teaching sessions with internationally-recognized experts in the field, and also participate in specialized PPE training in the Davis Global Center and National Quarantine Unit alongside the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit team. Course directors include Drs. Angela Hewlett, James Lawler & David Brett-Major. Shradar Morgan, RN was a key educator for our fellows this year also.

“We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from folk at the Davis Global Center and the National Quarantine Unit. With so few institutions that have programs such as these, it is truly an incredibly unique experience that allows (and encourages) us to work with and learn from international experts in the field of biopreparedness. It has been one of the highlights of my training here at UNMC.”

– Dr. Clayton Mowrer, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow.

“I appreciated the opportunity to see hands on the process for receiving individuals with exposures to pathogens. To experience directly what we are able to do to maximize patient and provider safety and our preparedness for significant outbreaks was truly eye opening and an enriching experience. I’m happy to have had the chance to take part and learn from world experts.”

– Dr. Mark Ridder, 2nd year UNMC ID fellow.


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