Follow @UNMC_ID at #IDWEEK2018!

IDWeek is here and we want to be sure YOU know where to find us! Below is the list of faculty presentations and posters from our Division. Please come visit us at IDWeek –  We would LOVE to meet you! 

Content courtesy of Sandy Nelson and the entire UNMC ID Division. 

Tuesday, October 2
Session: The Vincent T. Andriole ID Board Review Course
Session Title: Infections in Transplant
Presenter: Andrea Zimmer, MD
Session time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Session location: W 2005-2020

Thursday October 4
Meet-the-Professor Session
Session: Are You Ready? Outbreak Response Training
Presenter: Angela Hewlett, MD
Session time: 7:15-8:15 a.m.
Session location: S 152-154

Session: Cool Findings in Bacteremia and Endocarditis
Session Time: 11:30-12:45 p.m.
Session Location: W 2002
Presentation Title: The Effect of Insurance Coverage on Appropriate Selection of Hospital Discharge Antibiotics for Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia
Authors: Mark E. Rupp, MD, Trevor Van Schooneveld, MD, FACP et al
Presentation Number: 158

Posters 12:30-1:45pm

Session: Antimicrobial Stewardship: Interventions Leveraging the Electronic Health Record
Presentation Title: Impact of a Best Practice Alert Linking Clostridium difficile Infection Test Results to a Severity-based Treatment Order Set
Authors: Trevor Van Schooneveld, MD, FACP, Scott Bergman, PharmD, FIDSA, FCCP, BCPS et al
Presentation Number: 178

Session: Antimicrobial Stewardship: Interventions to Improve Outcomes
Presentation Title: Respiratory Viral Testing is Associated with Lower Frequency of Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Upper Respiratory Infections at a Large Ambulatory Cancer Center
Authors: Erica Stohs, MD, MPH et al
Presentation Number: 206

Session: Bone and joint Infections
Presentation Title: Effect of Previous Antibiotic Exposure on the Yield of Bone Biopsy Culture in Patients with Osteomyelitis
Authors: Paul Fey PhD, Angela Hewlett MD, Mark Rupp MD et al
Presentation Number: 291

Session: Fungal Disease: Management and Outcomes
Presentation Title: Breakthrough Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia among Cancer Patients: Opportunity for Antimicrobial Stewardship?
Authors: Erica Stohs, MD, MPH et al
Presentation Number: 402

Session: Microbiome and Beyond
Presentation Title: Vancomycin is Frequently Administered to Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients without a Provider Documented Indication and Correlates with Microbiome Disruption and Adverse Events.
Authors: Erica Stohs, MD et al
Presentation Number: 616

Friday, October 5

Posters 12:30-1:45pm

Session: Bacteremia and Endocarditis
Presentation Title: Bloodstream Infection Survey in High-Risk Oncology Patients (BISHOP) with Fever AND Neutropenia (FN): Predictors for Morbidity and Mortality
Authors: Alison G. Freifeld, MD, Andrea Zimmer, MD, et al
Presentation Number: 1016

Session: Diarrhea Diagnostic Dilemmas
Presentation Title: The Value of Hardwiring Diagnostic Stewardship in the Electronic Health Record: Electronic Ordering Restrictions for PCR-Based Rapid Diagnostic Testing of Diarrheal Illnesses
Authors: Jasmine R Marcelin MD, Caitlin N. Murphy PhD, Paul D. Fey PhD, Trevor C. Van Schooneveld MD (et. al)
Presentation Number: 1095

Session: Healthcare Epidemiology: Non-acute Care Settings
Presentation Title: Infection Control Risk Mitigation and Implementation of Best Practice Recommendations in Long-term Care Facilities
Authors:  Mark E. Rupp, MD,  Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS et al
Presentation Number: 1236

Session: Healthcare Epidemiology: Non-acute Care Settings
Presentation Title: Frequently Identified Infection Control Gaps in Outpatient Hemodialysis Centers
Authors: Mark E. Rupp, MD,  Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS et al
Presentation Number: 1239

Session: HIV: Diagnosis and Screening
Presentation Title: Routine opt-out HIV screening and detection of HIV infection among emergency department patients
Authors: Nada Fadul, MD et al
Presentation Number: 1273

Session: HIV: Prevention
Presentation Title: Knowledge, Attitudes and Barriers of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Infection Among Resident Physicians in Rural, Eastern North Carolina
Authors: Nada Fadul, MD et al
Presentation Number: 1289

Session: HIV: Prevention
Presentation Title: Acceptability and Feasibility of a Pharmacist-led Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Program in the Midwestern United States
Authors: Sara H. Bares, Joshua P. Havens, Kimberly K. Scarsi, Susan Swindells et al
Presentation Number: 1294

Session: Medical Education
Presentation Title: Antibiotic Prescribing Knowledge: A Brief Survey of Providers and Staff at an Ambulatory Cancer Center during Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017
Authors: Erica Stohs, MD, MPH et al
Presentation Number: 1302

Session: Respiratory Infections: Miscellaneous
Presentation Title: Impact of a Guidance Document, Order Set Changes and Physician Education on Antibiotic Prescribing in Acute Exacerbation of COPD
Authors: Scott Bergman, Trevor Van Schooneveld et al
Presentation Number: 1480

Session:Viruses and Bacteria in Immunocompromised Patients
Presentation Title: Bloodstream Infection Survey in High-Risk Oncology Patients (BISHOP) with Fever AND Neutropenia (FN): Correlation between Initial Empiric Antibiotic Regimen Correlation and Susceptibility Patterns
Authors: Andrea Zimmer, MD, Alison G. Freifeld, MD et al
Presentation Number: 1585

Saturday October 6
Session: Febrile Neutropenia
Session Title: Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts
Presenter: Alison Freifeld, MD
Session time: 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Session location: S 214-216

Posters 12:30-1:45 p.m.

Session: HIV: Sexually Transmitted Infections
Presentation Title: Assessment of Anal Papanicolaou Smear Screening and Follow-up Rates in Eastern North Carolina for HIV-Positive Patients who are Men who have Sex with Men
Authors: Nada Fadul, MD et al
Presentation Number: 2274

Session: Antimicrobial Stewardship: Non-hospital Settings
Presentation Title: Comparison of Antibiotic Use in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Facilities Based on Proportion of Short Stay Residents Using a Long-Term Care Pharmacy Database
Authors: Philip Chung, PharmD, MS, BCPS, Scott Bergman, PharmD, FIDSA, FCCP, BCPS, Mark E. Rupp, MD, Trevor Vanschooneveld, MD,  Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS et al
Presentation Number: 1837

Session: Antimicrobial Stewardship: Non-hospital Settings
Presentation Title: Digging Deeper: A Closer Look at Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship for Long-Term Care Facilities
Authors: Scott Bergman, PharmD, FIDSA, FCCP, BCPS, Philip Chung, PharmD, MS, BCPS, Mark E. Rupp, MD, Trevor Vanschooneveld, MD, Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS et al
Presentation Number: 1838

Session: 222. Antimicrobial Stewardship: Potpourri
Presentation Title: Adherence to Practice Guidelines for Treating Diabetic Foot
Infections: An Opportunity for Syndromic Stewardship
Authors: McCreery R, Bergman SJ, Van Schooneveld TC
Presentation Number: 1874

Session: Healthcare Epidemiology: Device-associated HAIs
Presentation Title: Evaluation of a Midline Catheter Program and Effect on Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections
Authors: Richard Hankins, MD; Mark Rupp, MD, Kelly Cawcutt, MD, MS et al
Presentation Number: 2096

Find us on Twitter @UNMC_ID; #UNMCID #IDWEEK2018

ID Pharmacist Scott Bergman (@bergmanscott) and our ID faculty #tweeterIDians Drs. Jasmine Marcelin (@DrJRMarcelin), Kelly Cawcutt (@KellyCawcuttMD), Nada Fadul (@fadul_nada), Salman Ashraf (@M_Salman_Ashraf), Erica Stohs @EStohs will be tweeting from the conference, so join us in the conversation!


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