Lindsey Rearigh DO, UNMC First Year ID Fellow
We are excited to welcome Dr. Lindsey Rearigh as a new fellow in our Infectious Diseases program! Read on to learn a little more about her…
Tell us about the position you are starting
I am just starting my first year as an infectious disease fellow at UNMC. This is a 2-year program aimed at training its fellows in every area of infectious disease, from general ID to antibiotic stewardship, epidemiology and HIV.
Tell us about your background
I’m originally from Colorado, which is where most of my family still lives. I went to undergrad at Pfeiffer University in the tiny village of Misenheimer, NC where I played D2 lacrosse for four years. I then went to medical school at Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) in Spartanburg, SC and just completed my internal medicine residency at Mercy Medical Center in Des, Moines IA. I often say I have no true home because I have been bouncing around so much, but I enjoy learning about each new city and am excited to see how my two years in Omaha will turn out.
UNMC has an excellent reputation for ID training in the Midwest. The program touches on all areas of ID including rotations in general, oncology, ortho, and transplant. We also develop a strong base in HIV with weekly clinic time throughout the two years, as well as special opportunities for training in biopreparedness, antimicrobial stewardship and microbiology. It was important for me to choose a program that offered so many different opportunities so I can learn as much as I can during these two years to help better serve my future patients.
What about ID makes you excited?
ID is an amazingly diverse field that still utilizes every aspect of internal medicine training. I love that even though infectious disease is a specialty it still involves every organ system. I also get really excited about our patients and taking a really good history. We get to know our patients really well in this field because we are always asking questions about occupation, sex, travel, and pets. Some of the backstories that we get, even if it’s not related to why they are in our care, are very interesting. Often times getting to know these small details about our patients leads to better overall care and helps us overcome some barriers that may not have been addressed previously.
Tell us something about yourself unrelated to medicine
Outside of medicine, I enjoy pretty basic things like spending time with my family and friends, traveling and trying new things. I also really enjoy yoga. I find that it offers a nice balance to hectic call schedules, demanding patients and physician burnout. Yoga keeps me grounded in gratitude and focused on learning from everything. From new consults (even if in the middle of the night) to complex patients (even if not ID related) there is always something to learn. Wish me good luck on my journey over the next 2 years!
Learn more about the UNMC Infectious Diseases Fellowship here.