Infectious Diseases Fellow Research Presentation

Research is critical to the advancement of medicine and we continue to encourage our fellows to be active in research, both now and in their future careers, and present those results through publications and presentations.

At the end of May, Dr. Majorant presented posters on two of her research projects, listed below,  at the UNMC at our fellow and resident research poster session. Congratulations on a job well done!

  • Risk factors associated with Adenovirus Disease in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.
    • Denisa Majorant, Fang Qiu, Andre Kalil, Natasha Wilson, Diana F Florescu.
  • Utility of Fungal Blood Cultures in the Clinical Care.
    • Denisa Majorant,MD, Manasa Velagapudi, MD, Trevor Van Schooneveld MD.

Pictured are Dr. Ashraf and Dr. Majorant discussing her posters.


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