The Nebraska Infectious Diseases Society is looking forward to hosting the 4th annual meeting and trainee abstract competition on Friday August 15, 2025, at the World-Famous Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo!
Last year more than 30 students, residents, and fellows presented their case reports and research.
Are you a trainee in Nebraska with an interest in Infectious Diseases? This is a perfect opportunity to submit a new clinical case or scholarly project, or present work submitted to a national conference. You will also get some feedback about presentation before time to present on the national stage!
The Nebraska ID Society Education committee welcomes abstract submissions from medical and pharmacy students, residents, and fellows enrolled in Nebraska training programs. Submit your abstract here.
The top two abstracts will be selected for oral presentation, and the best poster presentations in the research and clinical vignette categories will receive special recognition. The presenting author will receive complimentary registration to the meeting. The submission link has information about abstract guidelines and requirements.

Click this link to submit your abstract. More information below.
- Abstracts must be submitted by midnight on May 31st, 2025.
- Applicants will be notified of acceptance by June 30th, 2025.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Submitter must be a currently enrolled trainee in a Nebraska health professions training program
- Include abstract title and list all authors.
- Should not contain tables, charts, or pictures.
- No more than 3000 characters (including spaces; title, author, and affiliations not included in character count).
- Include supervising mentor as the senior author.
- Submit abstracts by May 31, 2025. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
- Posters that have been presented at other conferences within the past year or those who plan to present at future conferences in the next year may be submitted
- Posters must be educational and must not promote any commercial product or service.
- Abstracts submitted to a prior NIDS meeting or representing work published prior to submission will NOT be accepted.
Poster Guidelines
- NIDS will supply boards (36″ x 48″) to hang posters. Posters should be no larger than 36″ x 48″ to fit on the board/easel.
- The poster can be horizontal or vertical.
- Presenters will receive additional information about poster set up after abstract disposition.
- Presenters will have 5 minutes to concisely present their posters for judging.
Abstract Review Guidelines
- Background & Research Question/Aims: Background provides appropriate perspective/context for the subject. Research question(s), aims or hypotheses are clearly stated
- Methods: Research design/methods/modeling is appropriate and transparent; Data sources and/or sampling procedures are clear and appropriate
- Results: Factual information is kept separate from interpretations or implications
- Scientific Merit and Relevance: Has a high impact on the institution and ability for generalization
- Originality: Innovative and presented in an unbiased manner
- Background: A brief general description of the medical condition
- Case History: Briefly summarized patient’s presentation, workup, diagnosis, and treatment. Discussed key points of the case presented in a clear, organized, and easy to read fashion.
- Originality: Innovative and presented in an unbiased manner
- Clinical Impact/Teaching Value: How useful is the case as a teaching tool? How significant or relevant were the conclusions in increasing understanding of a disease process, or in improving the diagnosis or treatment of a disease?
- Case Novelty: Does the case represent a rare condition or rare presentation of a common condition?
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