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Grand Rounds Recap: Eye Problems found in Primary Care

Mindy J. Dickinson, OD, of Midwest Eye Care, PC, presented at Family Medicine Grand Rounds on Wednesday, December 16 at Eppley Science Hall.

Dr. Dickinson specializes in routine and problem-focused eye examinations, pediatric eye care, urgent eye care, and pre- and post-operative examinations.

The topic, “Eye Problems found in Primary Care”, explored several objectives for physicians including:

  • What clinical history do you need to gather
  • Components of ocular exam
  • Learn simple steps with regards to symptoms and signs to tentatively diagnose problem
  • What is first line of intervention/treatment
  • Who needs referred and how quickly

The next Grand Rounds presentation will be held on Wednesday, January 13, at Eppley Science Hall from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.

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