A huge congratulations to our Specialty Care Clinic (SCC) HIV team, who have been hard at work implementing quality improvement programs and clinic implementation efforts and will be sharing updates on their accomplishments with the national ID community throughout the summer. The team will be represented at no less than 6 conferences this summer, with 12 abstracts currently accepted for presentation. We are proud of our SCC team for many reasons, among them their tireless effort to improve the quality and implementation of care for their patients. See below for the details of those who will be sharing their work this summer, and keep an eye on this blog throughout the summer for updates and summaries from presenters. Congratulations, SCC team!
Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV/AIDS Conference in Orlando, FL, May 2024:
Bridging HIV Care Gaps through Telehealth: An Evidence-Informed Intervention to Support Engagement in Care (Miranda, M; Burwell, L; et al)
SYNC2024 in Alexandria, VA, in May 2024:
RWHAP Best Practices Compilation: Sharing Successes in Telehealth and Addressing STIs (Hook, J; Flaherty Dore, K; Regan, N; Nelson, J.)
IAPAC Continuum Conference in Puerto Rico in June 2024:
Determining Capacity and Desire for Age-Friendly Healthcare at a Midwest HIV Clinic (Regan, Essam Nkodo, Fadul, along with colleagues from geriatrics: Jenkins and Porter)
Medicaid insurance expansion and its association with HIV outcomes in Nebraska, USA: An observational prospective cohort study (Essam Nkodo, Arroyo, Fadul, Furl, Lyden)
Data-driven Strategies Towards Case Management Utilizing Tableau Dashboard Reporting and Automation (Glassman, Arroyo, Jones, Fadul)
Leveraging Implementation Science to Address HIV Disparities (Fadul, Essam Nkodo, Furl, Regan)
25th AIDS 2024 Conference in Munich, Germany, in July 2024:
Medicaid insurance expansion and its association with HIV outcomes in Nebraska, USA: An observational prospective cohort study (Essam Nkodo, Arroyo, Fadul, Furl, Lyden)
Ryan White National Conference in D.C. in August 2024:
Bridging the Gap: Multi-Specialty Collaboration to Bring Age-Friendly Care to a HIV Clinic (Regan, Essam Nkodo, Fadul, along with colleagues from geriatrics: Jenkins and Porter)
Telehealth 2.0: Revitalizing a Previously Successful Telehealth Program with Updated Process Mapping (Regan, Cramer, along with colleague from Ohia Advisors: Wetherhold)
Screening is Believing: Increasing Depression Screening in a HIV Primary Care Clinic (Regan, Arroyo, Burwell, Furl)
Data-driven Strategies Towards Case Management Utilizing Tableau Dashboard Reporting and Automation (Glassman, Arroyo, Jones, Fadul)
GLMA as WORKSHOP in Sept/Oct 2024 in Charlotte, NC:
Meeting them where they’re at: Implementing telehealth services in a HIV clinic to increase LGBTQ+ patient engagement (Cramer, Carr, Burwell, Regan)