Month: May 2024

Specialty Care Clinic HIV Team to Share Work at National Conferences

A huge congratulations to our Specialty Care Clinic (SCC) HIV team, who have been hard at work implementing quality improvement programs and clinic implementation efforts and will be sharing updates on their accomplishments with the national ID community throughout the summer. The team will be represented at no less than 6 conferences this summer, with 12 abstracts currently accepted for presentation. We are proud of our SCC team for many reasons, among them their tireless effort to improve the quality and implementation of care for their patients. See below for the details of those who will be sharing their work this summer, and keep an eye on this blog throughout the summer for updates and summaries from presenters. Congratulations, SCC team!

May 24, 2024

Updated Antibiotic Guidance for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections and Diabetes-Related Foot Infections

This post was researched and written by Dr. Jonathan Ryder, Assistant Professor and previous UNMC ID Fellow. Dr. Ryder is also Associate Director of the UNMC Antimicrobial Stewardship Program and Associate Hospital Epidemiologist. Here, Dr. Ryder shares key changes the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program has recently made in guidance on the treatment of SSTIs.

May 15, 2024

Dr. Rupp Comments on COVID-19 and Avian Flu on Rural Heath Matters

A few weeks ago, we proudly shared that our Chief of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Mark Rupp, was honored with the 2024 Bartee Advocacy of Science Award, which is given to a UNMC scientist who exemplifies and lives out a commitment to community engagement. Illustrating this commitment to public science and medicine outreach, Dr. Rupp recently appeared on Rural Health Matters with the University of Nebraska President Dr. Jeffrey Gold to discuss the current state of COVID-19, avian influenza, and Lyme disease.

May 8, 2024