This time of year is a time for reflection, gratitude, and appreciation of the blessings we have, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share our thanks from all of us at UNMC ID.
We want to thank all of our blog subscribers, those who forward our blog on to others, and all of our Twitter followers who support and share our content.
We want to thank the generous donors to our UNMCID #SHEARoes Race Against Resistance campaign (shout out to Tara Palmore who donated even after the race was over, thank you!), which raised over $2000 and won second place in the overall race.
We want to thank our Department Chair Dr. Debra Romberger, Division Chief Dr. Mark Rupp, and COM Dean Dr. Bradley Brittigan, for their ongoing support and encouragement for our Digital Innovation & Social Media Strategy team
We want to thank every individual, group, or conference who has invited our Digital Innovation & Social Media Strategy team (Drs. Cawcutt and Marcelin) to speak and share in this digital revolution
We want to thank our faculty, fellows, residents, students and advanced practitioners for their tireless work countless hours taking care of our patients in the hospital and in our clinics
We want to thank our ID pharmacists who have been instrumental in getting key initiatives off the ground, like our outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment program and troubleshoot when we have antibiotic shortages.
We want to thank our ID nurses who have been the glue that keeps our clinics working
We want to thank our division/clinic administrators and administrative assistants for keeping the nonclinical work on track, and generally keeping us afloat
We want to thank our trainees for allowing us the privilege of teaching them this, and every year
We want to thank our statisticians and research assistants for working so closely with us on research that has brought us again to be the 2nd most productive division in the department of Internal Medicine at UNMC
We want to thank our patients in the hospitals and clinics for the privilege to treat them and in most cases, journey with them to complete resolution of their illnesses.
We want to thank our families who have supported all of us in our medical careers
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and keep following us for more amazing work in the future!