Dr. Abdouch Elected to AAFP Congress of Delegates

Department of Family Medicine Associate Professor, Ivan Abdouch, M.D., was recently elected as an alternate delegate to the American Academy of Family Practice Congress of Delegates. He is one of four physicians elected to the policy-making body. Two voting delegates and two alternate delegates represent each constituent chapter. The Congress of Delegates set national policy as well as elect new AAFP officers and members of the Board of Directors.

“With so many qualified Nebraska physicians to choose from, I was surprised to have been nominated and I feel extremely honored to know that my peers have enough confidence in me to select me to represent them on the national level,” Dr. Abdouch said.

The Congress of Delegates convenes each year before the AAFP Family Medicine Experience.

Dr. Abdouch says his focus will be on the issue of physician burnout. “According to the latest national data (2014), the burnout rate among Family Physicians is 63% versus 28.5% in the general working population. My intent is to seek ways to reverse this.”

Congratulations, Dr. Abdouch!

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