Category: Residency

Department Represents at STFM Conference

The 49th Society of Teacher of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference was held in Minneapolis from April 30 – May 4. The UNMC Department of Family Medicine was well represented in presenting several presentations and projects. Oral Presentation: METRIC Geriatric Preventive Health Template as a Resident Quality Improvement Project Steven Gale, MD, Timothy Coker, MD […]

May 6, 2016

Fickenscher attends Starfield Summit

Family Medicine house officer, Jillian Fickenscher, MD, MPH, recently attended the inaugural Starfield Summit in Washington D.C. The Summit is a gathering of national leaders in primary care to discuss research, policy, and patient care delivery. Participants also met with Congressional Co-chairs and staffers at the Capitol to discuss the meetings and to advocate for the future of […]

May 2, 2016

Resident of the Month: April

Family Medicine house officer, Melanie Menning, MD, was named Resident of the Month for April. Dr. Menning was nominated by a fellow resident who says, “Melanie is an incredibly hard worker and a great team player on inpatient months. She is always willing to go above and beyond to help anyone else out.  She also […]

Apr 15, 2016

Rural Training Track Chief Resident Announced

Congratulations to house officer Patrick Anderl, M.D., on being named Chief Resident for the Rural Residency Training Track for 2016-2017. Dr. Anderl is a graduate of UNMC and is in the rural training track program in Grand Island.    

Apr 8, 2016

Dr. Neme reflects on Jamaican Mission Trip

by House Officer II, Jamil Neme, M.D. At the end of March, I had the good fortune of going on the medical mission trip to Jamaica. I have no shortage of words when describing my time on the island or my interaction with the locals, but I’ll keep this short. I accompanied a group of […]

Apr 7, 2016