Author: Ellen Jeffries

Student Health provides vaccines to students

The College of Pharmacy and Student Health have partnered together to administer Student Run PPD and Flu Shot Clinics. The needs of the student population are being met by using the new College of Pharmacy Simulation Lab. More than 900 vaccines have been provided over the course of six weeks with five clinics still remaining […]

Oct 19, 2016

FMIG Hosts NAFP for monthly meeting

The UNMC Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) welcomed the Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians to their monthly meeting held on September 29. The Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians Executive Vice President, Liz Simon, NAFP President, Christine Jeffrey, MD, and board chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Robert Wergin, MD spoke about American Academy […]

Oct 3, 2016

Family Medicine welcomes Project SEARCH Intern

The Department of Family Medicine welcomes Matt Mulligan, a student intern with Project SEARCH. In partnership with the Munroe-Meyer Institute, Project SEARCH “was initiated in 2015 to create unpaid internship opportunities to help individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities gain knowledge and skills which could potentially lead to paid employment.” Matt shared a little bit about himself […]

Sep 30, 2016

Oakview Family Medicine PCMH Team Recognized

The PCMH (patient centered medical home) team at Oakview Family Medicine has been chosen to be filmed for Nebraska Medicine Daily Team Briefs. The video is a simulation that demonstrates how team briefs are done efficiently and effectively. The Oakview team was praised for embracing TeamSTEPPS language and processes into their daily workflow and communications. […]

Sep 29, 2016

Medder to Receive Honorary Alumnus Award

Department of Family Medicine Associate Professor Jim Medder, MD, MPH, was selected to receive the 2016 UNMC College of Medicine Honorary Alumnus award. The Honorary Alumnus Award is presented to a living non-graduate of the UNMC College of Medicine who has had a significant impact through professional or personal contributions to the UNMC College of […]

Sep 26, 2016