Faculty present at STFM Conference

Several faculty members traveled to Portland, Oregon for the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education from January 30-February 2.

Department of Family Medicine faculty members presented papers, posters, and contributed to roundtables and lectures at the annual conference.

DFM Faculty Conference Contributions:


  • “Obesity Bias Education: Fourth-Year Medical Student Outcomes” by Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS, Jessica Koran Scholl, PhD
  • “Impact of an Interprofessional Nutritional Intervention” by Susan Evans, MD; Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS; Jo Marie Reilly, MD; Kacie Amacher
  • “Obesity Bias: New Core Competencies for Educators” by Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS; Jessica Koran Scholl, PhD; Jenenne Geske, PhD
  • “Longitudinal Medical Student Experience and Curriculum for Enhanced Medical Education Track in Underserved Health Care” by Jennifer Liu, MD, MPH; Jenenne Geske, PhD; Jim Medder, MD, MPH


  • “Obesity Bias: New Core Competencies for Educators” by Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS; Jessica Koran Scholl, PhD; Jenenne Geske, PhD


  • “Playing With Food: Interactive Nutritional Curricula for Medical Student Education and Engagement” by Bonnie Jortberg, PhD, RD, CDE; Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS; Jo Marie Reilly, MD; Susan Evans, MD; Kacie Amacher


  • “Addressing Obesity: Critical Skill Building for Medical Students” by Jessica Koran-Scholl, PhD; Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS
  • “Spicing Up Nutrition Education: Cooking With Medical Students” by Susan Evans, MD; Birgit Khandalavala, MBBS; Jo Marie Reilly, MD; Kacie Amacher


  • “Mind the Gap: Medical and Health Professions Students’ Understanding of Clinical Roles in an Interprofessional Student-Run Free Clinic” by William Hay, MD; Mary Ann Powell, PhD

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