Category: Medical Students

Family Medicine Interest Group Elects New Officers

Medical students interested in Family Medicine were invited to participate in the annual Family Medicine Interest Group Officer Elections on Monday, April 25. Outgoing officers offered advice and an overview of each position to their peers who are looking to get involved. Congratulations to the 2016-2017 Officers: Co-Presidents: Ben Fisher and Luke Huber Co-Vice Presidents: Hannah […]

Apr 28, 2016

M4 to earn Family Medicine credit on Dr. Oz Show

During his fourth year of medical school, Zach Bailey will be complete a Family Medicine elective surrounded by studio lights. Bailey will be on a one-month, full-time rotation on The Dr. Oz Show in midtown Manhattan. He shares his thoughts on the upcoming experience: How did you hear about this opportunity and why were you interested […]

Apr 12, 2016

Advanced Rural Training Program Residents Announced

The Department of Family Medicine welcomes four students to the 2016-17 Advanced Rural Training Program: Cade Craig Emory Dye Alexis Erbst Matt Sexton The Advanced Rural Training Program has graduated 71 residents since its inception in 1993. Over 80% of graduates are practicing in rural Nebraska and adjoining states. This program is specifically designed to prepare […]

Mar 29, 2016

Mathews, Neme Travel to Jamaica

Family Medicine Assistant Professor, Dr. Monty Mathews and house officer II, Dr. Jamil Neme are preparing for a week long trip to Jamaica, but it’s hardly a vacation. Drs. Mathews and Jamil, along with about 20 medical students, three pharmacy students, and two physical therapy students, are serving at a church-based medical clinic in an […]

Mar 18, 2016

Students invited to present poster at NAFP meeting

The 68th Annual Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians Meeting & Scientific Assembly will feature a poster presentation from two UNMC medical students. Third year medical students Shinn-yi Chou and Gabrielle Mock are presenting “Effects of physician-patient interaction on overweight and obese patient weight management in rural Nebraska” on Friday, April 1st at the Embassy Suites […]

Mar 15, 2016

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