University of Nebraska Medical Center

Masters level Collaborative statistician position

Deadline: until filled

This position is in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics in a growing group of Masters and Doctoral collaborative and consulting biostatisticians. The collaborative work for this position is split between the Colorado Biostatistics Consortium and a major collaborative research group. The Colorado Biostatistics Consortium (CBC) is the consulting unit in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics (DBI) in the Colorado School of Public Health. The collaborative research group’s major research focus is on critical illness and the role of the microbiome. They also investigate other ‘omics data to better understand critical illness.

This position will join 9 other faculty in the CBC and over two-dozen faculty and research personnel in the Department of Biostatistics. The faculty and staff in the CBC interact and collaborate with health researchers on their basic and clinical science research projects. The collaborative research group is comprised of other biostatisticians, epidemiologists and clinical research scientists.


A research instructor is expected to provide high-level, professional and scientifically rigorous data management and analytic support to biomedical researchers at CU Anschutz. The research instructor in this position will collaborate with investigators on data management and integration of ‘omics and microbiome data along with the analytical aspects of the research process, including: design of new studies (sample size and analysis planning), complex programming, analysis implementation and data visualization, and dissemination of results. This individual is expected to co-author abstracts, oral and poster presentations, and scientific manuscripts. Preference will be given to those with experience with ‘omics data management, pre-processing, and analysis and those with strong data management/integration and programming skills.


The position requires formal training and experience in biostatistics and data management. An MS or PhD in Biostatistics or Epidemiology or related areas of graduate level training is required. At least 2 years of previous experience or training as an analytic consultant/collaborator is required.



  • Experience with ‘omics data
  • Experience with data management in SQL or equivalent
  • Evidence of strong programming skills
  • 2+ years of research experience
  • Experience serving as a biostatistician or data analyst on multiple projects
  • Demonstrated ability to successfully lead the analytic elements of multiple clinical projects simultaneously
  • Or Equivalent combination of education, training, and experience that provides the individual with the required knowledge, skills and abilities


View the full job description and instructions for applying here.