University of Nebraska Medical Center

Allied Health Blog

Alumni Connections!

Since launching a year ago, the UNMC Alumni Association’s online community, Alumni Connections, has grown to nearly 800 users. UNMC College of Allied Health Professions (CAHP) students are invited to join the site and connect with alumni through personal and professional networking. When you join, you can search for and connect with other users, engage in […]

Mar 22, 2022

World Down Syndrome Day – 3/21

By Rachel Horstmeyer and Angela Vito | Genetic Counseling students Many of us have heard of Down syndrome before or met an individual with this condition, but if you were asked to explain Down syndrome to a colleague, would you know what to say? World Down Syndrome Day is quickly approaching on March 21st, so […]

Mar 16, 2022

PT student runs ultramarathons

Andrew Joseph would rather be running. A second-year physical therapy (PT) student, Andrew runs marathons in his spare time, and not just any marathons. Out of 8-10 races – half, full, and ultramarathons – his longest race was a 100-mile ultramarathon. He believes his best race was a half marathon in 1 hour, 28 minutes. […]

Mar 15, 2022