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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Graduate Student Association

SciComm 2016 Registration is Now OPEN

Register now for SciComm 2016, a free two day conference on effective science communication! The conference will take place September 23-24 in Lincoln, NE. This year’s conference will include: A broader impacts workshop from the National Alliance for Broader Impacts Science Night Live!, a public outreach event in The Railyard, downtown Lincoln A SciComm symposium, featuring: […]

Aug 15, 2016

Stress Management Workshop

UNMC’s Wellness Coordinator, Dr. Jennifer Yalof, invites you to attend the Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) workshop! This program will help participants understand the connection between stress and physical or emotional problems, learn a variety of techniques to elicit the relaxation response, appreciate the role of positive thoughts and beliefs, and learn the importance […]

Aug 8, 2016

iEXCEL Student Representation

The coordinators for iEXCEL are on the verge of finalizing the plans for the new building! They have asked for several students, up to six, to serve on two review groups in order to maximize the potential for educational experiences using cutting-edge technology. Up to three students can join either the iEXCEL Research Group or […]

Aug 8, 2016