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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Month: August 2016

GSA at the #IamUNMC BBQ!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at the #IamUNMC BBQ! Well done to everyone who won a GSA stress ball by reading our weekly emails! And congratulations to Tramy and Bailee, who won GSA t-shirts in our drawing!  

Aug 29, 2016

Creative Writing Workshop

Students in all UNMC colleges, residents, fellows, and post-docs are invited to participate in a six week creative writing workshop planned for this fall. The course will be led by UNMC’s Bud Shaw, M.D. and Jennifer Yalof, Psy.D.   Who: Looking for 15 participants. Open to all UNMC colleges, residents, fellows, and post-docs. What: A […]

Aug 29, 2016

International Student Association Meetings

The International Student Association (ISA) is an organization dedicated to helping international students and staff to adjust to life here in Omaha and at UNMC. GSA and ISA often work together, and GSA’s International Student Chair has a seat on ISA’s executive team. Their meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of every month in […]

Aug 23, 2016