University of Nebraska Medical Center

Month: February 2018

GSA Pediatric Superhero Party

Join the Graduate Student Association and a number of superheroes for our annual Pediatric Superhero Party! We will have coloring pages, cape decorating, puzzles, bowling and other superhero-themed games for pediatric patients and graduate students to interact in. Please email gsapres@unmc.edu if you would like to volunteer during this hour long event! Otherwise, we encourage […]

Feb 20, 2018

International Student Association Monthly Meeting

Join the International Student Association for their monthly meeting to learn what activities they have planned and which executive chairs are available for election! As always, a pizza lunch will be provided! Thursday, February 22 Noon-1PM DRC 2, Room 3001

Feb 6, 2018

Breaking Barriers: USA(Atlanta)

Join the International Student Association and the Graduate Student Association for Breaking Barriers! February’s presentation will be on Atlanta, Georgia! As always, an ethnic lunch will be provided for those in attendance. Friday, February 16 Noon-1PM DRC 1, Room 1005 If you are interested in presenting your country for March, April or May please email […]

Feb 6, 2018

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