University of Nebraska Medical Center

Graduate Student Association

Forums for University President Candidates

The University of Nebraska is in the final stages of its national search for our next president. Four outstanding finalists are being considered and, as part of the interview process, are speaking at public forums held on each campus. While one of the candidates has already spoken at UNMC, the remaining three will be speaking […]

Dec 9, 2014

How to Approach Difficult Conversations

This original article appeared on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/20141103145827-11585700-stop-hiding-from-cringe-worthy-conversations?trk=mp-reader-card   LINKEDIN: What is the number-one tool we need when going into a difficult conversation, whether it’s with a boss, a colleague, a client, or someone in our personal lives? REYNOLDS: Choose your emotions. Before going into the conversation, choose what you want to feel. Select one word […]

Nov 17, 2014

Science Writing Competition

The British Library, eLife and Europe PMC, as part of the Access to Understanding collaboration, have just launched a science-writing competition for PhD students and postdocs who have an interest in promoting understanding of biomedical research. Unfortunately, researchers and the general public tend to speak different languages when it comes to science. The ability to […]

Nov 12, 2014