University of Nebraska Medical Center

Graduate Student Association

Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

GSA Resume & Cover Letter Workshop Thanks again to COPH Director of Career Services Brenda Nickol for sharing some excellent resume and cover letter tips with the students in graduate studies! If you missed the workshop, please see a pdf of her PowerPoint slides below. Resumes & Cover Letters_Nickol For even more handouts and some […]

Feb 8, 2016

How to eat for free at UNMC!

The following is a list of informative meetings open to all Grad Students that also happen to typically offer free food: Fred and Pamela Buffett Cancer Center Grand Rounds (one Tuesday per month (varies), 12 – 1pm, DRC 1 1002, food varies) Immunology Interest Group (1st Tuesday of the month, 4 – 5pm, DRC1 1006, […]

Oct 22, 2015