University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Monthly Meeting

Nominations OPEN for GSA Elections

Nominate a graduate student (includes self-nominations) for Leadership Roles in the Graduate Student Association.  Positions include: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, International Chair, Interprofessional Education Chair, Alumni and Outreach Chair, and Social Chair.  Email nominations to gsapres@unmc.edu and visit the GSA blog for more information on the election timeline and duties of each officer position. Election […]

Mar 11, 2015

GSA March Meeting

March 4, 2015 12pm-1pm DRC1 1005   Announcements: After Dark Student Shuttle Nominations for UNMC Faculty Senate awards –Friday March 13th Nominations for GSA Distinguished Graduate Mentor award – Friday March 13th Student Senate Candidates: President: Andrew Shaw Vice President: Katelyn Jelden, Tyler Scherr Graduate Studies Senators: Jaime Abrego, Aneesha Dasgupta, Raheleh Miralami, Jannah Obaid, […]

Mar 3, 2015

GSA’s November Meeting

GSA’s Monthly Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 4th in DRC1 4003.  Lunch will be provided for the first 50 students.  We will be discussing the Spring Career Fair, the Holi celebration and have a short presentation from the UNMC Graduate Studies Alumni Association.  Check out our full agenda for more details, and email gsapres@unmc.edu if […]

Nov 3, 2014
