University of Nebraska Medical Center

Nominations OPEN for GSA Elections

Nominate a graduate student (includes self-nominations) for Leadership Roles in the Graduate Student Association.  Positions include: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, International Chair, Interprofessional Education Chair, Alumni and Outreach Chair, and Social Chair.  Email nominations to gsapres@unmc.edu and visit the GSA blog for more information on the election timeline and duties of each officer position.

Election timeline:

  1. Nominations accepted – March 4th – March 22nd
  2. Candidate Filing period – March 23rd – April 4th
  3. Voting – April 19th – May 2nd
  4. May GSA Transitional Meeting – May 6th or 13th

Positions and general duties:

Qualifications: Must be a UNMC graduate student planning on being enrolled in Graduate Studies for the upcoming academic year.  Current or previous executive council officer (president only). Attendance is expected at GSA monthly meetings and most GSA sponsored events.



Duties: preside over meetings, serve ex-officio capacity on all standing committees, student representative to UNMC Executive Graduate Council, write and submit an annual report to the Dean of Graduate Studies, provide an agenda for each meeting, student representative in UNMC Student Senate.

  • GSA Monthly Meetings
  • Graduate Council Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month 10am-12pm, Bennett Hall 3003
  • Student Senate At-Large Meetings – First Wednesday of each month, 5:30pm-8pm, Sorrell
  • Student Senate Committee Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month, 5:30pm-8pm, Sorrell
  • Student Senate Executive Committee – Once monthly (usually fourth Wednesday of each month)
  • Weekly GSA emails
  • Contact person for any needs/requests for graduate students


Duties: Assume responsibilities of the President in their absence, coordinate and direct Rules and Election Committee, chair Issues committee, serve on Student Discrepancy Committee, serve as a graduate student representative on any other committees as needed.


Duties: Collect, keep records of and arrange safe-keeping of such moneys as the GSA may obtain, disburse at direction of the President with approval of executive council such monies, report to executive council all income and expenses and to maintain records of all transactions, to maintain financial records to inspection at any time, chair the Career Development committee, serve as a UNMC student representative for the Midwestern Scientific Research Career Fair, work with Graduate Studies to coordinate Transferable Skills seminars.


Duties: Circulate a sign-in sheet at GSA meetings, to record and file records of the GSA and agencies, handle all correspondence and maintain a record file, use all forms of media and communication to graduate students, and manage the day-to-day duties of the UNMC GSA, maintain and update GSA blog/website.

International Chair

Duties: Chair international student affairs committee, advocate for international graduate students and encourage their involvement in activities, collaborate anonymously with chair of Issues committee to resolve any issues specifically affecting international graduate students, to assist and communicate with the international student office and UNMC academic affairs when preparing new students for international student orientation, serve on student discrepancy committee.  Plan, organize and execute Holi – Festival of International Colors.

Interprofessional Education Chair

Duties: Serve on IPE committee, help coordinate and encourage graduate student involvement with IPE initiatives including IPE day.

Alumni and Outreach Chair

Duties: Serve as a graduate student representative at the Graduate Studies Alumni Association Board meetings, collect and maintain a list of leadership/outreach activities that UNMC graduate students can participate in and serve as the contact person when graduate student volunteers are needed for an event.

Social Chair

Duties: Chair the social committee and fulfill any responsibilities therein, regular events include GSA Welcome Back BBQ, Halloween Havoc, Pi(e) Day, and Holi.  Propose new social events and plan and execute those approved by the GSA.

[contact-form to=’gsapres@unmc.edu’ subject=’GSA Elections’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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