University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Interprofessional

UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators is opening membership to student involvement

The UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators is opening membership to student involvement.  The application period for interested students will be open through September 5, 2017. If you are interested in IAE membership, please follow the application link:  https://app1.unmc.edu/forms/academicaffairs/iae_student/iae_application.cfm Goals: Provide training and opportunities for experience in teaching. Provide opportunities to become involved in curricular design, […]

Aug 28, 2017

NIH Grant Review Presentation- Dr. Richard Nakamura, NIH Director

Tuesday, 8/22 from 12-1:30PM Buffett Cancer Center 0-12101 Richard Nakamura, PhD, NIH Director of the Center for Scientific Review, which oversees all study sections and review processes for all NIH institutes will be coming to UNMC to give a talk! The talk will be livestreamed if you cannot attend in person.

Aug 14, 2017

IGPBS Student Representative

The newly approved Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (IGPBS) replaces the former Biomedical Research Training Program (BRTP). Each year, a new student representative is elected to represent students’ interests in matters related to IGPBS. We will hold the election at our first monthly meeting on September 14. Please contact gsapres@unmc.edu if you are interested […]

Aug 8, 2017