University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Announcements

High School Alliance Mentorship Program

Looking for teaching/mentorship/outreach experience? Attend the UNMC High School Alliance Lunch and Learn Mentorship Series! Free lunch is provided, and there are only three meetings per semester! Enjoy a presentation from one of the UNMC colleges and then participate in small group discussions with students interested in the health sciences and other UNMC professional students. Contact Michele […]

Sep 12, 2016

Election Results!

Thank you to all the candidates who ran in the elections held at our last monthly meeting! Here are the winners for each of the positions: IGPBS Representative: Beth Clymer This representative advocates for students’ interests in matters related to the newly approved Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. GSA Secretary: Lee Sleightholm This GSA officer […]

Sep 6, 2016

Sign Up for UNMC Today!

UNMC Today, the university’s daily email newsletter, is no longer being delivered to students unless you opt in. UNMC Today is an excellent resource to stay up to date on campus events and news. GSA encourages students to sign up to continue receiving these newsletters, which you can do here.

Sep 6, 2016