University of Nebraska Medical Center






We, the Graduate Students of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in our efforts to secure a more significant and meaningful voice in the essence of our respective disciplines, programs, working assignments and related concerns, do hereby subscribe to and conclude the following constitution:

Article I. Name

The name of the organization shall be the Graduate Student Association of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. (Herein after referred to as the GSA UNMC.)

Article II. Purpose

Section I.         To serve as a voice for graduate students.

Section II.       To promote a closer relationship among graduate students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Section III.      To investigate problems unique to graduate students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and propose solutions to these problems.

Section IV.      To be a resource for the community in order that students and the University Medical Center play a relevant role in society.

Article III. Membership

Membership shall be open to all students currently enrolled or pursuing an approved graduate program in those departments of the Graduate College (including the various divisions of the Medical Sciences Interdepartmental Area) will participate in the GSA-UNMC.

  • Membership shall include students within the following Master’s and Doctoral programs:


  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Biological Defense and Health Security
  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Biostatistics
  • Cancer Research
  • Clinical & Translational Research Mentored Scholars Program
  • Clinically Relevant Basic Research
  • Health Practice & Medical Education Research
  • Health Professions Teaching & Technology
  • Healthcare Delivery Science
  • Immunology, Pathology & Infectious Disease
  • Medical Anatomy
  • Medical Physiology
  • Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
  • Oral Biology
  • Patient-Oriented Research
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences


  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Bioinformatics & Systems Biology
  • Biological Defense and Health Security
  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Biostatistics
  • Cancer Research
  • Clinical & Translational Research Mentored Scholars Program
  • Clinically Relevant Basic Research
  • Environmental Health, Occupational Health & Toxicology
  • Epidemiology
  • Health Practice & Medical Education Research
  • Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Research
  • Health Services and Policy Research
  • Immunology, Pathology, & Infectious Diseases
  • Integrative Physiology & Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Nursing
  • Oral Biology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Patient-Oriented Research

Article IV. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the representative and deliberative organization of the Graduate Student Association.

Section I.        Membership

  1. Membership shall be open to all graduate students.
  2. Determination of a quorum (defined as a majority plus one) at meetings of the Executive Council shall be made on the basis of the number of graduate students attending.

Section II.      Officers of the Executive Council:

The officers of the Executive Council shall be designated as follows: a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, two Social Chairs, an International Student Chair, an Interprofessional Education Chair, an Alumni Chair, an Outreach Chair, a Student Wellness Chair, a Student Engagement Chair, and a Diversity & Inclusion Chair. All records for positions should be added to assigned OneDrive folders or 3-ring binders. The duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be defined as follows:


  1. To preside over general meetings of the Executive Council.
  2. To serve as the student representative to the UNMC Executive Graduate Council.
  3. To write the agenda for monthly morning meetings with Graduate Studies Leadership.
  4. To attend monthly morning meetings with Graduate Studies Leadership.
  5. To write and submit an annual report to the Dean of the Graduate School.
  6. To provide an agenda for each meeting in the following form: Graduate Student Association Agenda:
    1. time/date/place
    2. roll call
    3. approval of minutes
    4. treasurer’s report
    5. committee reports
    6. old business
    7. new business
    8. adjourn
  7. To serve as a student representative in the UNMC Student Senate
  8. Such other responsibilities as authorized by the Executive Council. Authorization may be reviewed by the Executive Council as necessary.
  9. To communicate with the UNL and UNK GSA Presidents and have quarterly meetings.
  10. To communicate with the Graduate Students through email including, but not limited to GSA Weekly Emails, GSA at-large meetings, and events.
  11. To keep records for the following year’s President.

Vice President:

  1. To assume the responsibilities of the President in the event of his or her absence.
  2. To serve on the Student Discrepancy Committee
  3. To attend monthly morning meetings with Graduate Studies Leadership.
  4. To aid the President in performing tasks such as surveys, compilation of Outstanding Mentor Award nominees, events, and more.
  5. To keep records for the following year’s Vice President.


  1. To take attendance at Executive Council meetings.
  2. To record and file records of the activities of the Executive Council and its agencies. Minutes of the meetings should be sent to all members within a reasonable time.
  3. To record and file GSA at-large meeting minutes.
  4. To upload meeting minutes from at-large and Executive Council meetings to the GSA blog.
  5. To handle all correspondence and maintain a record file of all correspondence.
  6. To act as representative for GSA in all communications with Graduate Studies Career Development in Student Success.
  7. To lead events surrounding career development.
  8. To keep records of the year’s roles for the following year’s Secretary.


  1. To collect, keep records of, and arrange safe keeping of such monies as the Executive Council may obtain.
  2. To disburse, at the direction of the President with approval of the Executive Council, such monies as are required to meet the obligations of the Executive Council.
  3. To report to the Executive Council for approval at all regular meetings, all income and expenses, and to maintain records of all transactions.
  4. To maintain financial records for inspection at any time by members of the Executive Council.
  5. To keep records for the following year’s Treasurer.

Social Chairs:

  1. To create and distribute flyers for GSA events, activities, and social media posts.
  2. To plan events with the help of the Executive Council.
  3. To keep records of events planned and flyers prepared for the following year’s Social Co-chairs.

International Student Chair

  1. To chair the International Student Affairs Committee and fulfill any responsibilities therein.
  2. To advocate for international graduate students and encourage their involvement in activities be it professional or social.
  3. To communicate and collaborate anonymously with the chair of the Issues Committee to resolve any issues or concerns specifically affecting international graduate students
  4. To assist and communicate with the International Student Office, International Student Association, and UNMC Academic Affairs when preparing new students for international student orientation.
  5. To serve on the Student Discrepancy Committee.
  6. To keep records of events, collaboration, and communication for the next year’s International Student Chair.

Interprofessional Education Chair

  1. To work with student leaders and administration across colleges to improve interprofessional education opportunities for graduate students.
  2. To attend the Interprofessional Education Committee meetings.
  3. To aid in inter-campus education including, but not limited to hosting the Interprofessional Education Event, helping with UNMC Interprofessional Education Day, advocating for non-academic internship/shadowing opportunities for graduate students, and planning of any graduate student career fairs.
  4. To maintain records for the following year’s Interprofessional Education Chair.

Alumni Chair

  1. To serve as the graduate student representative on the Graduate Studies Alumni Association Board.
  2. To advocate for increased alumni networking opportunities for graduate students.
  3. To lead and host the Alumni Networking Event with the UNMC Graduate Studies Alumni Association.
  4. To serve as the point of contact for the UNMC Graduate Studies Alumni Association and Alumni Connections.
  5. To keep records for the next year’s Alumni Chair.

Outreach Chair

  1. To serve as the contact person when graduates student volunteers are needed for a UNMC outreach event.
  2. To organize volunteer opportunities for graduate students at UNMC and in the community.
  3. To maintain an updated list of outreach activities for graduate students.
  4. To keep records for the next year’s Outreach Chair.

Student Wellness Chair

  1. To advocate for improving all aspects of graduate student wellness on campus (e.g. mental, physical, social, etc.).
  2. To serve as the graduate student contact person for the Student Wellness Coordinator, Counseling and Student Development Center, and Center for Healthy Living.
  3. To attend monthly Wellness Team meetings with UNMC faculty.
  4. To keep records for next year’s Student Wellness Chair.

Student Engagement Chair

  1. To increase graduate student and UNMC awareness of GSA activities and attendance of GSA events.
  2. To advertise events on ENGAGE.
  3. To provide media release forms for graduate students to sign at events.
  4. To take pictures of events to post on social media.
  5. To communicate with Strategic Communications about GSA events and activities contributing to the health of Graduate Studies and the UNMC campus.
  6. To curate GSA social media (e.g. blog, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  7. To serve as the Executive Council contact with the UNMC Post-Doctoral Association President and Officers.
  8. To keep records for the next year’s Student Engagement Chair.

Diversity and Inclusion Chair

  1. To attend Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Monthly meetings.
  2. To serve as the Executive Council contact with the Women in Science organization student leaders.
  3. To communicate with, work with, and promote UNMC Student Organization minority groups.
  4. To be an accessibility services for graduate students.
  5. To keep records for the next year’s Diversity and Inclusion Chair.

Section III.      Election of Executive Council Officers:

The President and Vice President of the Executive Council shall be elected as follows:

  1. Nominations shall be accepted from the Executive Council.
  2. Above nominees shall be graduate students who are planning to be enrolled in the Graduate College for the upcoming academic year.
  3. Above nominees shall be a current or previous Executive Council Officer.
  4. Elections shall be held during the week prior to the final/May meeting in an open and accessible forum.
  5. The President and Vice President must be elected no later than the 15th day of May.
  6. Elections shall be announced thirty days before the general elections are to be held.
  7. Each member present during the general election shall have one vote.
  8. The President shall vote only in case of a tie.
  9. The President shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
  10. In the event that no current Executive Council Officer wishes to be nominated for the office of President, the Executive Council shall nominate at least two current GSA members.
  11. If for some reason the elected President is unable to fulfill his or her term in office, the Vice-President will automatically assume the duties of the President until the next designated election.
  12. The elections will be organized and held on the UNMC CARE website.

Other officers of the Executive Council shall be nominated and elected by the Graduate Student Body as follows:

  1. Nominations shall be accepted from the Executive Council and Graduate Student Body.
  2. Above nominees shall be graduate students who are planning to be enrolled in the Graduate College for the entire academic year.
  3. Elections shall be held during the week prior to the final/May meeting in an open and accessible forum.
  4. The Officers must be elected no later than the 15th day of May.
  5. Elections shall be announced thirty days before the general elections are to be held.
  6. Each member present during the general election shall have one vote.
  7. If for any reason an officer cannot serve out their term, an officer may be elected by the Executive Council, at the next regular meeting of the Executive Council, as his or her replacement.
  8. The elections will be organized and held on the UNMC CARE website.

Grievance Committee Members and the IGPBS Student Representative will be nominated and elected by the Graduate Student Body as follows:

  1. Nominations will be accepted from the Executive Council and Graduate Student Body.
  2. Above nominees shall be graduate students who are planning to be enrolled in the Graduate College for the entire academic year.
  3. Nominees should be at minimum first year students moving into their second year.
  4. Each position will hold a one-year term.
  5. Elected graduate students may hold up to two consecutive terms.
  6. Elections shall be held during the week prior to the final/May meeting in an open and accessible forum.
  7. The committee members and student representative must be elected no later than the 15th day of May.
  8. Elections shall be announced thirty days before the general elections are to be held.
  9. Each member present during the general election shall have one vote.
  10. If for any reason a committee member or student representative cannot serve out their term, a committee member or student representative will be elected by the Executive Council, at the next regular meeting of the Executive Council, as his or her replacement.

Section IV.      Meetings

  1. GSA at-large meetings shall be open to all members of the UNMC-GSA.
  2. The date and time for hearings shall be posted at least a week in advance of the meetings so that department representatives can convey this information to individual students in their departments.
  3. Executive Council meetings will be held once a month.
  4. GSA at-large and Executive Council meeting minutes will be accessible on the GSA blog.

Article V. Terms of Office


Section I.         The term of the President of the Executive Council should end on the 1st day of July.

Section II.       The terms of the other officers of the Executive Council should end on the 15th day of May.

Section III.      Nominations and elections shall be held in the manner prescribed in Article IV. Section III.

Section IV.      All officers are eligible for re-election provided their status as a graduate student does not change.

Article VI. Amendments and Ratifications

Section I.         Amendments:

Amendments to this constitution may be added subject to a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any Executive Council meeting provided that the proposed amendment has been presented at a prior meeting of the GSA-UNMC.

Section II.       Ratification:

This constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of the attending graduate students present to vote at the University of Nebraska Medical Center regular GSA meeting.


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