University of Nebraska Medical Center

Month: March 2018

Holi – Festival of Colors on April 29th

ISA and GSA will be organizing Holi-The festival of colors on April 29th (Sunday) in the green space outside Sorrell. Time: 11-3 P.M. Interested in participating in the flash mob? Contact Pranita (p.atri@unmc.edu) or Saswati ( saswati.karmakar@unmc.edu). Practice sessions will be held in the UNMC gym every monday and thursday evening.

Mar 12, 2018

Professional Development Lunch and Learn: Audience Analysis: Preparing Presentations for Active Listening and Learning

Dr. Deborah Smith-Howell, from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, is eager to share her knowledge on audience analysis with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Lunch will be provided to the first 50 in attendance.

Mar 12, 2018

University Budget Letter Writing Events

In light of the significant cuts to the University of Nebraska’s budget proposed by the governor, it is vitally important to let your State Senator know how the proposed budget cuts could affect you. One of the most effective ways you can do this is with a personal, handwritten letter.  Starting next week, UNMC Student […]

Mar 6, 2018

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