University of Nebraska Medical Center

Month: August 2017

IGPBS Student Representative

The newly approved Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (IGPBS) replaces the former Biomedical Research Training Program (BRTP). Each year, a new student representative is elected to represent students’ interests in matters related to IGPBS. We will hold the election at our first monthly meeting on September 14. Please contact gsapres@unmc.edu if you are interested […]

Aug 8, 2017

Grievance Committee Elections

Each year, the GSA holds an election for two of the four student members of the Graduate Student Grievance Committee. The students may not include more than one member from any one department, and each year we must elect one male and one female student. This year, we will need students from departments other than […]

Aug 8, 2017

UNO Entrepreneurial Experience

Breakthrough Weekend September 29 – October 1 Information: cba.unomaha.edu/breakthrough Registration:  www.BreakthroughWeekend2017.eventbrite.com BigIdea! Pitch Contest Preliminary Rounds: Monday, October 9, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Final Round:  Wednesday, October 11, 6:00 p.m. (refreshments before the event) Information: cba.unomaha.edu/bigidea Both of these events are a great way to enhance your presentation skills!

Aug 1, 2017